
Chapter 110 - Heart To Heart

Rui Fei relaxed a little withdrawing his sinister energy but he was still eyeing Xiaoyu like a dead woman. His gaze was so dark that it startled Xiaoyu.

She had yet again misunderstood Rui Fei assuming he was jealous because she was holding Ji Yao instead of him. Who could blame her? It wasn\'t her fault that she was a pretty girl with a great personality.

Rui Fei had no idea what was going on in that big sister\'s head. He managed to find a room in the pavilion to lay Ji Yao down and personally took care of him for the rest of the day.

He didn\'t want to leave Ji Yao\'s bedside but the problem was that he was filthy from the fight and if Ji Yao was to wake up right now he would kick him out with no hesitation. This was the only thing that prompted him to leave Ji Yao\'s side.

If it were up to him he would have dragged Ji Yao to the bath with him. Unfortunately for him, this was as impossible as licking your own elbow. In as much as he would love to drag an unconscious Ji Yao to the bath he couldn\'t do it.

Leaving Rui Yewan and Rui Li in charge be went over to take a quick bath. Since they had commended the empress dowager\'s pavilion this meant he had a luxurious hot bath that left him feeling refreshed.

With his damp hair sticking to his face, Rui Fei exited the room only to bump into his new uncle who had cleaned up very well. If those two doubting Thomases that made fun of him earlier saw him now they would be eating their words.

This pair of uncle and nephew looked like a perfect example of father and son pair. They looked alike in all aspects except the eyes. Another obvious difference was the serpent-like symbol on his forehead.

"Can we talk?" asked Huishe Yue while nervously tapping the tip of his nose.

Honestly, Rui Fei would rather be with his Gege right now but he was also curious about his mother so he nodded his head before finding a random place to sit.

Faced with a small pond with plenty of Koi, this was the perfect place to have a heart to heart. Rui Fei was especially direct going straight to the point without all the emotional stuff.

"What am I?" he asked with his gaze fixed on the surface of the pond. If he could only figure out this other half of him that brought forth so much aggression then maybe he and Ji Yao could have a chance. A chance to fight alongside each other without turning into enemies.

"I thought we would get through the emotional stuff first but.... I..... to fully understand who you are you have to understand who your mother is. You can\'t know about one and not know about the other," replied Huishe Yue trying to suppress his emotions. His sister was gone and this was the only piece of her in this world but he didn\'t seem as keen to know her.

What he didn\'t realise was that Rui Fei was running away from his emotions. He didn\'t ask about her because he didn\'t want to deal with the pain of not having had an opportunity to know her but Huishe Yue might not understand his feeling.

Since Rui Fei didn\'t say anything Huishe Yue continued speaking. "Your mother and I are of the Huishe clan and our father is the clan leader. She was the most beloved person in our clan and had never suffered any hardship in her life up until that incident fifty years ago....," he began to explain taking the role of the parent.

At first, Rui Fei found it hard to listen but as Huishe Yue opened up about their childhood and the sort of shenanigans these twins had as children he became interested. In fact, he was a little envious. If he and his siblings had experienced a tenth of what his uncle and mother had it would make up for years of suppression in that cold dungeon. 

The atmosphere seemed harmonious for a moment with a rare smile in Ji Yao\'s eyes. Knowing that his mother was a great person who would have loved him regardless of how he turned out made him so happy. But this happiness was short-lived because Huishe Yue finally touched on the sensitive subject.

He wanted to know what happened to his nephew and how he even got in touch with a Qilin and even pledge allegiance to him. The once harmonious atmosphere turned bitter in an instant and things pretty much went south from there. Huishe Yue regretted it.

He regretted asking because now he really wanted to kill someone. He wanted to capture Prince Rui and torture him double the number of times he violated his sister. He would break his bones one at a time until he was satisfied then dig into his body and take out his aether. He would crash it in his face and skin him alive. This was what Huishe Yue had in store for this prince.

When he found out his nephew was rescued by Ji Yao he had a newfound respect for him. If it weren\'t for the kid bravely sneaking into that pavilion and freeing his nephew they might not have the opportunity to meet today. Ji Yao had played a major role in their reunion and from this he could understand why Rui Fei was devoted to him.

The only part he couldn\'t understand was how this devotion transformed into romantic feelings. This part was still hard to understand. The Huishe were different from the Qilin. No male in the history of the clan had taken interest in another male.

A Huishe male marrying a Huishe male was unheard of mostly because it was physically impossible. They were both aggressive in nature and required a female to soothe this aggression. Even when a Huishe male found love outside the clan it was with a female who could counterattack their aggression.

Such was their history but his nephew was different. Even if he had human and another inferior nocru bloodline in him his Huishe instincts should be dominant. He should naturally have the desire to find a female with a scent he likes that can calm his aggression when he fully awakens but nope his nephew was smitten with Ji Yao.

He wasn\'t disgusted or anything but he genuinely couldn\'t understand it. Maybe it was because Rui Fei had no idea how the physiology of a Huishe male worked. This meant he as the uncle had to take up the role of the father and teach him the wonders of coupling. Hopefully, that would help him make an informed decision. Unfortunately, this uncle had no idea that Rui Fei\'s obsession with Ji Yao went beyond gender, beyond race and rationality. There was nothing in this world and beyond that could ever change his mind. If this isn\'t love then what is?

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