
Chapter 150 - Meeting The Not So Distant Relative

He tried to move but he couldn\'t and he instantly became vigilant. Fearful he engaged his aether ready to defend them both but he couldn\'t circulate his seraphic energy no matter how hard he tried. It was like his aether was paralyzed as well leaving him slightly vulnerable.

He looked up to that familiar face glowering at him. This had to be the most difficult keystone to acquire and it was all thanks to this guy who couldn\'t let go of a grudge that had nothing to do with him.

The man just looked straight at him like he was facing an enemy. His jaw was clenched so was his fists under his arms. The killing intent emanating from him was unmistakable.

It was clear to Ji Yao that only one of them would be walking out of this place intact. As the tension in the air reached its peak, the man sneered breaking the awkward silence.

He rubbed his chin before leaning forward with his palms pressed together.. "Your mother must have told a lot of lies about me," he said but Ji Yao\'s answer was unexpected.

"No," he replied honestly. He could give zero fucks about who this man was or his relationship with his mother because it had nothing to do with him. All he cared about was putting this man down and getting that keystone.

The man broke out into sinister laughter amused by this brat\'s words. How could that be possible? Qilin Hao must have mentioned him before. Whenever they met they would undoubtedly butt heads because she believed he stole something from him.

She was the joker if he was batman or Lex Luther if he was superman. They were on opposite sides of the spectrum but their lives revolved around each other that one couldn\'t survive without the other so how could she forget him.

Of course, this brat was lying. He seemed pretty agitated about this so much so that he grabbed Ji Yao by the neck and strangled him with his bloodshot eyes staring right at him. He leaned into his ear and whispered, "You think I don\'t know you are lying to me?..... Do you think I am stupid?"

He slammed Ji Yao\'s head on the wall before letting out an angry chuckle. Wiping the corner of his mouth he said, "She must have mentioned me otherwise why would you be looking for me?..... What I want to know is why didn\'t she come to me in person but send you to deal with me?" He stood up from crouching on the ground and slowly walked over to a liquor tray to pour himself another cup.

Ji Yao bit the inner lining of his mouth as he checked the feeling in his hands. It seemed the effects were wearing off but not fast enough. Staring dead at him he said, "You never came up because she didn\'t fuckin raise me. What you two have between you has nothing to do with me nor my crew."

The man stopped pouring out the liquor while pressing his tongue on the inner lining of his cheek. He slowly turned around and with a slight tilt of his head, he said, "So you expect me to believe that she didn\'t raise you? Qilin Hao... the Qilin Hao I know? Do you think I am stupid?"

Ji Yao wished he was lying but he wasn\'t. His mother bailed on him for personal reasons and didn\'t raise him. But this guy didn\'t seem to believe him and the sword didn\'t help.

He walked back up to him and grabbed the sword beside Ji Yao. Gripping the hilt he tried to draw it out of the sheath but somehow he found he couldn\'t. He didn\'t have the authority to draw it out which was another of Qilin Hao\'s tricks. Ji Wen could but anyone other than these two couldn\'t.

Finding this funny he chortled before saying, "And you say she didn\'t raise you." He threw the sword at him and continued saying, "Why would she make this for you if she didn\'t care?"

Ji Yao felt like bashing this man\'s skull in the wall. He decided to stop entertaining him and focus on trying to circulate his seraphic energy so he could finish off this guy.

Seeing Ji Yao close his eyes he wasn\'t too pleased about it. Losing his shit he hurled the cup of liquor in Ji Yao\'s face before smashing the cup on the groundbreaking it into pieces.

He sat opposite Ji Yao who was coughing up liquor ready to give him a history lesson. Since he didn\'t know who he was then he would tell him all about it. Just as he was about to start his long story, Rui Fei woke up just in time to hear.

When he turned his head and saw Ji Yao looking like a hot mess he wasn\'t too happy. His hair that was always pristine even when he is sleeping looked like someone had run their fingers through it in a haphazard way. His face and clothes had dirt on them like he had been used to sweep the floor. He felt for Ji Yao because based on his personality be should be very uncomfortable right now.

Rui Fei had a look of worry on his face as he tried to move his fingers to touch Ji Yao. Ji Yao seemed to understand what he was trying to do so he looked at him as though telling him not to worry.

Rui Fei would have listened to him but when he saw the handprint on Ji Yao\'s neck he lost it. He wanted to beat the shit out of this man but he found he couldn\'t move further enraging him.

Seeing this bull trying to get off its leash, the creature standing aside was elated. Its gas emissions from its body were powerful enough to make a Hundun pass out what more this brat. It began to clap in excitement but when Rui Fei glared daggers at it, it shrunk back in fright. This man might be paralyzed but he was really scary. Hiding behind the door it peeked out only to find Rui Fei still staring. If it didn\'t have the backing of its master it would have run for its life a long time ago. Rui Fei was just too terrifying.

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