
Chapter 324 - More Like Nosy Guncles

Huishe Yue hugged Lan Wu\'s shoulder and said, "calling me uncle is the same as calling him uncle," with a look of pride on his face.

"Huh and you say you aren\'t gay?" she said before walking away continuing, "you are the perfect example of nosy guncles."

She didn\'t even have time to enjoy the unexpected dog food because she was so upset.

With Rui Li gone Lan Wu removed Huishe Yue\'s hand off his shoulder while saying, "And you said it would be fun if we adopted a little girl? I must have been too wasted when I agreed to that absurd idea." After he said this he also left to join the rest of the fight leaving behind a dumbstruck Huishe Yue with question marks all over his head.

What is the meaning of guncles? And what did she mean by gay? How can his relationship with Lan Wu be classified that way? Their relationship was pure, okay? If by pure he means sniffing Lan Wu constantly then sure he was as straight as a ruler though it is important to take note that rulers can be bent especially when they are made of cheap material. Just saying.

Meanwhile, Ji Yao and Rui Fei were at odds on how to deal with this creature. Rui Fei was just like, "fuck it, let\'s just kill the brat," but Ji Yao who recalled the sad cries of a tormented child couldn\'t accept that. If there was even the slimmest chance that the kid could be saved Ji Yao wouldn\'t risk it.

Thus when the boy got up from the ground after Rui Fei\'s sudden attack with three distinct holes in his body, Ji Yao stopped Rui Fei from attacking further. This was one of the plenty of times their different natures would clash.

Ji Yao had both sympathy and empathy towards this unfortunate soul but Rui Fei felt nothing. All he cared about was Ji Yao, his siblings and maybe Huishe Yue. Everyone else was simply a pawn that he could only rescue if it benefited him in any way.

This boy had already attracted Rui Li\'s attention and the fact that Ji Yao was now defending him wasn\'t helping. "I say let\'s just finish the bastard off and get it over and done with," said Rui Fei surrounded by powerful hostile energy as four spheres of his seraphic energy rotated above his palm.

"Fei-er!..... he is still alive in there and if we kill him we will only be killing the boy, not the creature," said Ji Yao but Rui Fei\'s killing intent didn\'t die down. In fact, it surged even more as he eyed that boy like he was a dead man.

"Would you have liked it if I had killed you when I first found you?" said Ji Yao but that only added fumes to the flames.

"That\'s different.... you wouldn\'t," he said with his gaze shifting towards Ji Yao.

Ji Yao wanted to say something but he bit his bottom lip and swallowed down the lump on his throat.

Rui Fei who hadn\'t expected this turn of events stared fixedly at Ji Yao all wide-eyed. "You!...," he said at a loss. Logically Ji Yao should have said,

"You are different Fei-er. I would never have done that to you. Now stop sulking and kiss me," in a tone laced with honey. Rui Fei would then pretend to be mad while secretly happy inside. He would also state a list of demands to appease his anger and Ji Yao would meet them.

Unfortunately, dreams were indeed just dreams. Ji Yao keeping silent tacitly answered his question. Ji Yao would have killed him but won\'t kill this kid. What the fuck?

Feeling pressured by that unsavoury gaze Ji Yao succumbed to it and said, "You terrified the heck out of me and if you weren\'t more powerful than me I... tsk, forget it. It\'s not important right now."

His words stabbed right at Rui Fei\'s fragile heart. There was even a subtle tremble in his fingers as he gazed intensely at Ji Yao with red-rimmed eyes.

Ji Yao would never say that to him. Just a moment ago Ji Yao had said he was perfect for him so how could he say such a thing with the same mouth? No way! It had to be this brat\'s fault. He was the only anomaly in this equation.

His gaze turned sharply at the culprit as his rational mind showed unfixable cracks. Like a sudden storm at sea, he shot forth confronting the boy head-on. The creature had already noticed their conflict so it decided to pull the same stunt to divide and conquer.

So when Rui Fei struck the boy just now it didn\'t evade with the blow striking the boy\'s abdomen before he was shot out the sky. The force Rui Fei used was so powerful that when he landed on the surface a dent was created on the ground with debris shooting outwards like when a missile explodes on land.

Rui Fei was so out of it fuming with rage that he followed after him and landed right on top of his opponent. He grabbed the boy by the hair and raised his fist packed with enough seraphic energy to knock out a whale with one strike. Before he could land a hit he heard sniffles followed by pitiful whimpers.

His cold expression froze for a moment before he mumbled, "Shit." This is what his uncle mentioned before when they were training. He was so impulsive, ruled by his emotions and in front of the right opponent, it could be taken as a weakness. But even if he wanted to control it he couldn\'t. Anything to do with Ji Yao drove him insane.

As expected Ji Yao\'s whip sword wrapped around his waist before pulling him back. The task was simple. Pull Rui Fei away and calm him down but for some reason, they ended up in a compromising position. When Ji Yao pulled him back, Rui Fei happened to grab the whip sword blades with his bare hands and tugged at it just as he passed Ji Yao.

Ji Yao who hadn\'t expected this was pulled back by the momentum as he hadn\'t let go of the hilt of the sword. This resulted in the two of them entangled up in the whip sword like a ball of string.

The Aoyin, "..."

Ji Yao tried to command his sword to let them go but the sword that had been dissatisfied for not being named all this time chose at this exact moment to play dumb. After attempting to command it for a while and getting no response, Ji Yao began to struggle to untangle it.

All this time he didn\'t notice that Rui Fei\'s expression wasn\'t right. He only heard him say, "Don\'t move," in a husky and imperative voice like if he moved any further something bad would happen.

That\'s when Ji Yao raised his head only to be met by a deep lecherous gaze. He was about to speak when he suddenly felt something growing at a rapid speed poking at his thigh.

Ji Yao, "......"

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