
Chapter 348 - Failed Birthday Party

Everyone has that one moment where they were so embarrassed and that very moment comes to haunt them occasionally. Sometimes your mind strays to that memory and you ask yourself, "What on earth was I thinking?"

Well, this cub was so embarrassed when he saw an entire group of people sneaking glances at his junk in the trunk that had been mislabeled as dysfunctional.

The tips of his ears reddened as he covered that area and roared, "What the hell do you think you are looking at?!" He was a black-bellied, thick-skinned psycho but even he would be embarrassed too.

Ji Yao was also a tad bit ashamed. He had told Rui Fei to stop talking about it but the idiot kept yammering on begging for a second chance. Who would have thought their secret conversation would be heard by the entire crew plus the concord. He immediately stepped in front of Rui Fei blocking everyone\'s view.

The eyes that had been eagerly studying Rui Fei\'s lower half averted their gazes pretending to be bird watching all except one person who obviously had a death wish.

Zhang Li who was lazily leaning against the railing of the ship chuckled lowly before saying, "Haha, who would have guessed it doesn\'t function properly?"

But soon he wasn\'t laughing because Ji Yao swung his hand and a flash of lightning struck Zhang Li before he fell overboard. "Man overboard!" yelled Xunshi Zhe as part of the crew rushed to the edge of the ship to see.

Madam Ching Sei wanted to defend this jerk but what was there to defend when he deliberately seeked trouble. She sighed as she cast her ribbons into the sea and fished him out. The freezing Zhang Li was only underwater for thirty seconds but his body was already shivering seeming so pitiful.

She towered over him as the snow fell and said, "You were just asking for it, right? Tsk... what do I even see in you?" The latter part was said as she walked away. Instead of getting mad Zhang Li smiled slyly as the snow fell on his face. When a woman says that then you know she is locked for life.

She knows his personality is annoying but she still comes back for more. While he gave himself a high five for succeeding in his mission to capture the beauty\'s heart he was suddenly unnerved when his leg was pulled by a familiar ribbon. "Wipe that smug off your face," she said as she dragged him up.

Ji Yao on the other hand had been staring fixedly at the blanket of white blocking his vision. When he tossed Zhang Li into the sea he swore he saw something but like a fleeting shadow it vanished. He ignored everyone who was asking after his health as he walked to the figurehead of the ship.

The sails on Red Bane were up and the ground had a little bit of snow covering the deck. As he walked to the deserted part of the ship he left solo footprints painting a scenic view. Standing right at the edge of the ship he looked dead ahead his brows furrowed. He could sense something was out there but he couldn\'t tell what.

Rui Fei who had finally shaken off his annoying uncle and siblings rushed over to Ji Yao to explain but before he could utter a word, Ji Yao raised his index finger gesturing for him to keep silent.

That\'s when Rui Fei noticed something was off. With the back of his fingers brushing against Ji Yao\'s he asked, "What is it?" As he asked this his gaze also followed Ji Yao\'s but he couldn\'t see anything.

"Can you find out where Qilin Kai is?" asked Ji Yao as he unsheathed his sword. A scorching blaze covered with aggressive sparks of lightning spread across the sword as a glint of red flashed in his eyes.

Rui Fei\'s brows creased as he looked at Ji Yao. The last time he tracked Qilin Kai he was in the imperial city and that was two days ago so how could he appear here?

"I can track him down but it will take me a while," he replied concluding that his birthday was never worth celebrating because something bad always happens. At least this year he got a lovely gift.

Thinking of his gift he bit his lower lip trying to suppress the heat rising from within. If Ji Yao had seen this kind of expression on Rui Fei\'s face he would have scolded him for being a pervert.

Fortunately, Ji Yao was too distracted to notice. Maybe he was just being paranoid but he couldn\'t bring his heart to settle. So he leapt up to the sky and with the crack of his whip sword the curtain of white vanished as a fierce fiery blaze spread to the skies.

With the horizon cleared Ji Yao looked around but there was nothing. But despite his uneasiness, he could only give up. Today was Rui Fei\'s birthday and he didn\'t want to ruin it. He came down and sheathed his sword saying, "I must have been mistaken." Rui Fei sighed in relief as he pulled Ji Yao into his embrace.

"This is why I don\'t like my birthday," he mumbled as he hugged Ji Yao tightly.

Feeling sorry for Rui Fei he placed his hand at the back of the cub\'s head and stroked his hair while saying, "Don\'t say that. Since we are together I will make your future birthdays memorable."

Ji Yao burrowed his face into Ji Yao\'s neck as his wandering hands moved down slowly to the man\'s enticing ass that was just begging to be touched. As he did this he said, "How does Yao-ge plan to make it memorable?"

Just as his fingers were sliding down to the target his wrist was suddenly caught and twisted painfully as Ji Yao parted from him. "Do it again and you will lose your hand," he said before letting him go.

Rui Fei, the sly birthday boy tried to act all pitiful but this time Ji Yao didn\'t take the bait. When Rui Fei saw his plan wasn\'t working he changed his face quickly resorting to shameless tactics.

"I would rather you whip me instead," said Rui Fei with a roguish smile as he reached out to touch the sacred booty. Ji Yao suddenly grabbed the hilt of his sword and said,

"Go ahead try it. I will most certainly grant your wish." Rui Fei\'s hand that was hanging midair suddenly froze as he gulped. Touch or don\'t touch, that was the question. Based on Ji Yao\'s expression he had no doubt he would most definitely do it but he also wanted to touch it.

\'Fuck it, it\'s my birthday,\' he thought before reaching out and squeezing it. His eyes glistened like marbles under the moonlight when he realised how good it felt.. He couldn\'t help squeezing it again and even had a wicked thought of smacking it.

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