
Chapter 432 - Rui Fei Bullying People

Chapter 432 – Rui Fei Bullying People

Ji Yao who had no idea that his boyfriend\'s uncle was throwing the clay pot of carrying on the Huishe family genes towards Rui Fei was busy taking down the ship\'s records before Rui Fei came back.

Though his strokes were hurried they were powerful and neat clearly exhibiting the character of the person who wrote them. Why was he in a hurry one might ask? It was because the moment Rui Fei steps through that threshold he won\'t be able to get any work done.

If Rui Fei wasn\'t staring he was poking and doing whatever it takes to get Ji Yao\'s attention. Ji Yao had tried to give him a book to read or a game to play so he could get some work done but the man had the attention span of a toddler. It didn\'t take long before he was scooching over to him and trying to start something.

This meant that Ji Yao could barely get any work done. Thankfully today Rui Fei got roped into something by Rui Li and Rui Yewan. Ji Yao almost kowtowed to these little ancestors and yell thank you. As to what Rui Fei was doing Ji Yao had no idea he just decided to catch up with his work a little so that when Rui Fei comes back he can give him the attention he needs.

While Ji Yao was catching up with his work Rui Fei had somehow been caught up in the world\'s stupidest game. Given the choice, he would rather follow Ji Yao like his tail but he knew the man had some work he needed to do.

He wanted Ji Yao to complete his tasks but whenever he was around him Rui Fei couldn\'t help but want his full attention thus he couldn\'t obediently sit still. He was as restless as an extroverted husky and because he didn\'t want Ji Yao to be out of his line of sight he couldn\'t leave him alone.

It\'s only after his sister said men don\'t like clingy partners did he decide to give him an hour alone… fine, not an hour. Maybe thirty minutes max. So what game were they playing that was meant to keep Rui Fei distracted for thirty minutes.

It was a twisted version of dodgeball. But instead of a painful dodge ball that gave plenty of middle schoolers nightmares, they used a ball of seraphic energy. The idea was to catch this ball and kick it to the next person with as much force as possible.

Failure to catch it would result in a world of hurt and of course, that person would be kicked out of the game. Based on the background of the crew on Red Valkyrie it was easy to determine who proposed this game.

Most of these youngsters grew up around grown-ups sailing the waters hence they had no childhood to speak of. Xiao Yùnqì, the lucky boy was human and also had no childhood he could remember. This left one person that is Tong Tong. He grew up in Niuq in a relatively calm environment hence had time to play games.

This game was something they played as cubs in the clan and even if they hadn\'t awakened their bodies could still stand the ball of seraphic energy. It was also one of the most encouraged games because it could help stimulate their aethers.

When Tong Tong suggested this game he wanted to create an opportunity to open a dialogue with Rui Fei. Ever since he got on board Rui Fei wouldn\'t step foot outside that cabin and the time he did he would be following behind Ji Yao while holding on to the decorative string of his robe flattering behind him.

From another angle, it looked like he was holding on to a leash. But instead of the dog leading the human on a walk, it was like the dog was being led by the human. With these two stuck to each other like glue Tong Tong had no opportunity to speak to him alone.

He hoped this game would separate the two and surprisingly it worked. In fact, it worked a little too well because he had finally grasped Rui Fei\'s attention. How could the Rui siblings not know this game? They had tortured some cubs in the Huishe clan with it till they ran back to their mama\'s crying. So when Tong Tong suggested it they roped Rui Fei into it. Tong Tong had unknowingly put a target on his back.

When Rui Fei chose were to stand he deliberately stood opposite Tong Tong with his expression unreadable but his gaze spelt murder. Whenever it was his turn to kick that ball of seraphic energy he was like Goku throwing a spirit ball, deadly and ruthless.

If Tong Tong was a regular person the crew would have been burning joss paper for him by now. After catching that ball time and time again the cub showed a resilient attitude which was a big contrast to his timid nature.

Rui Fei found this amusing and like always escalated things turning this already twisted game into a bloody battle. Since this kid wanted to play then he would give him a really good game.

Please don\'t blame Ah-Fei for taking things too far. He had no experience playing games let alone know how to play well with others.

The moment Xiao Yùnqì saw him engage his aether he knew his new bestie would get struck by a force powerful enough to drive him to the moon that is if he doesn\'t dodge.

Terrified he rushed to the captain\'s cabin but before he raised his hand to knock on the door Rui Li appeared in front of him with her arms crossed on her chest wearing a relaxed smile.

The words, \'Captain Ji, your boyfriend is hitting people,\' got stuck in his throat as he dropped his hands with a helpless expression.

"My saozi doesn\'t need to know about this," she said with her brows twitching slightly. She placed her hand on Xiao Yùnqì\'s shoulder and continued, "Let\'s not disturb the captain."

Indeed there was no need to worry because Tong Tong was of the Qilin or Pixiu bloodline and a pureblood at that. Despite not having awakened he could still withstand the pressure. With a loud bang, Rui Fei kicked the ball of seraphic energy. Whoosh, it cut through the air and split the water beneath them. As expected Tong Tong didn\'t dodge instead he caught it. Because of inertia, he was thrown a great distance away till he was a little dot in the vast sky.

Before he fell into the water Rui Fei appeared before him and caught him by the collar. Huffing and puffing with his body trembling Tong Tong didn\'t dare raise his head. Rui Fei pulled him up till they were at eye level.

With one hand behind his back he asked, "What do you want?" his voice as deep as Huishe Nan\'s. 

Tong Tong who had been confident just now wilted before a tear streamed down his cheek.

Rui Fei, "????"

Would anyone know if he just left him here? He only played ball with the kid and now he was breaking down crying like he had been bullied.. Okay, Rui Fei\'s method of playing was a little rough for the soft-hearted.

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