
Chapter 203 Little Mandron Soldier 26

It took another thirty minutes for the doctors to finish running the required tests on Ding Weimin and then he was bandaged up and administered a strong shot of anaesthetic to put him to sleep.

Xia Yueyu stood up the minute all five doctors walked out of the control room. "What exactly is wrong with Min\'er this time?" She eagerly directed at the head doctor.

The aloof looking andronian male took a step back before saying, "The source of the magnetic energy could not be accurately pinpointed. The most plausible explanation for this is the fact that the General\'s situation is most likely a relapse."

Jin Qi\'s expression remained neutral -like she was already expecting the news. Ding Wang and the Third Marshal exchanged dreadful looks whilst Xia Yueyu directly began screaming, "How could the my son\'s state suddenly relapse?!

-The last time, you had told us that all of the magnetic energy was gone and nothing could be found so how could a relapse suddenly happen?!"

The doctor ran a hand over his face in exasperation as he explained, "The issue of magnetic energy infection is relatively new to biological science so it is possible that the available technology at that time was not able to detect some traces."

"What do you mean?!" Xia Yueyu countered as she grabbed the doctor\'s arm. "How could your machines be so unreliable?!"

Ding Wang moved then to detach his wife\'s death like grip on the doctor and hold her gently. Then he addressed the doctor with hopeful eyes, "Although the machines back then were no good, it isn\'t the same now right? It\'s possible that the magnetic energy could be quickly extracted from my son\'s body... right?

The doctor nodded. "It\'s definitely possible to extract the magnetic energy. You just have to get that young mandron and use the same method as before."

Ding Wang and the Third Marshal silently grit their teeth as Xia Yueyu\'s eyes widened. How could it be possible for them to get Yang Xue back after all she\'d gone through to send him away? She slowly swallowed. "How about your machines? You implied that the machines are better now right? Why not use your machines?!"

The doctor frowned. "I think there\'s been a miscommunication somewhere. The machines I referred to were the ones responsible for magnetic energy detection in the body. As for the extraction of the energy..." He opened his arms. "There is no machine available for that kind of thing."

Xia Yueyu felt her heart stop. Before anyone could speak, one of the assistant doctors spoke up impatiently, "Actually, this shouldn\'t be a problem."

Even if he was well aware of the altercation between the Dings and the mandron, what did it matter to him? He just needed to complete his job in the most efficient way possible so he continued, "Just call the mandron and everything would be solved."

Jin Qi\'s eyes narrowed at that moment. Mandron? Was there something she was missing? She looked around the room. There was no need to ask which mandron it was so she went straight to the point, "Why is Yang Xue suddenly needed for Ding Weimin\'s infection?"


Her words were completely ignored by the unfocused Xia Yueyu and the two Ding men whilst the andronian doctor and the other four assistant doctors merely exchanged pointed looks with one another.

Finally, the Third Marshal broke the piercing silence. He had his eyes closed as he simply said, "Yueyu..."

Xia Yueyu stiffened and then slowly turned to the Third Marshal with an anguished expression. How could she not understand that he was basically ordering her to fix the mess? Like she\'d been the only one to make the decision in the first place.

She felt very reluctant but the second her eyes moved to the room containing Ding Weimin, her resolved hardened. Who cared if she ended up disgracing herself and the Ding family by running to Yang Xue for help now? Her son was still the most important to her!

After inhaling a shaky breath, Xia Yueyu said in a choked voice, "...I\'ll.... I\'ll... go contact the Yang family now." And then she left the room with Ding Wang right behind her.

The doctors also filed out of the room one after the other, leaving just Jin Qi and the Third Marshal in the room.

Jin Qi impatiently stood up and graciously walked over to the Third Marshal. She was more annoyed than concerned that there had been something she had missed when she had been monitoring Yang Xue and Ding Weimin all those years ago.

At this moment, she was already planning on how to cleanly absolve herself of everything involving Ding Weimin before it was too late and if this secret provided a method, then she was more than ready to jump on the bandwagon.

She adjusted her expression to show a deeply hurt and curious expression as she faced the Third Marshal, "Grandfather just now... What did the doctors mean by a method involving Yang Xue?"

The Third Marshal\'s eyes calmly moved away from the metal door of the reinforced room to his soon to be grand daughter-in-law. He understood her question but... How exactly was he meant to answer?

That his grandson hadn\'t gotten rid of the magnetic energy by his own effort but had instead enlisted the help of a mandron that had been discarded by them immediately after and then, publicly disgraced?


That wasn\'t necessarily their fault. Yang Xue had seduced Ding Weimin. To them, that was uncalled for. Ding Weimin was the only child. Even if it was possible with the current technology for people to actually cultivate an embryo in a lab using the sperm of the father, it was not the same thing as a traditionally born baby.

How could he show his face in the Federation if it was known that not only was his talented grandson together with a man, he had also ended up with a lab grown baby due to that?

The Third Marshal hook his head before patting Jin Qi on her back. "Don\'t ask." And then he directly walked out.

Jin Qi watched the Third Marshal leave with her teeth clenched. What did the senile fool mean by \'Don\'t ask\', How could she not ask?! She looked to the reinforced room and her beautiful face twisted into a sneer.

Without wasting another second, she raised her bracelet to eye level and dailed a series of codes.

In less than thirty seconds, a grey haired man with a face that seemed to sport a permanent sneer appeared on the holographic interface of the bracelet. Jin Qi squared her shoulders as she said in a wronged voice. "Grandfather~"

The stern looking Second Marshal nodded at his beloved granddaughter. "Don\'t say anything. Come home and we\'ll talk."

Jin Qi nodded with a satisfied smile as she also walked out. "Yes grandfather." There was no way her grandfather would let her suffer such a loss.

The Third Marshal soon arrived at his study and patiently waited for his son and daughter-in-law to return. His mind moved back to the question Jin Qi had asked and then he sighed in frustration.

Although he had a lot of issues with Yang Xue seducing his grandson, he had to admit that that wasn\'t the major issue in this situation. The Ding family publicly shaming Yang Xue for seducing Ding Weimin could be solved with a simple apology. In fact, they wouldn\'t face much backlash because Yang Xue had clearly been the one in the wrong but...

How about the issue of the merit that Ding Weimin had claimed?

Yes.... He was aware.

Although Ding Weimin had been tight lipped about it, how could he, a full fledged Marshal of the Plexar Federation, not see things clearly?

From the second the news of Ding Weimin killing the Second Xor queen had spread, he knew it was impossible. How? Well... The first time Ding Weimin had killed a Xor queen, the magnetic energy had almost killed the young man so why was it that the second time, there was no such energy attack?

It was easy to appease other people by saying that Ding Weimin had developed a form of immunity after surviving the first energy attack but it wasn\'t so easy to fool an insider like him.

During that period, there was no record of any other person getting infected with the magnetic energy of the second Xor queen and coupled with the fact that Yang Xue had also been present in the cave, the Third Marshal didn\'t need a divine sense to know who had done the killing.

That realization had thoroughly shocked him to his core. Mandrons were three times weaker than andronians and over five times weaker than humans so the fact that a mere mandron had managed to kill a Xor queen....

He had been greatly impressed but when the thought that his grandson had somehow gotten messed up in all the recognition came in, the Third Marshal\'s initial excitement had sizzled away and he had focused instead on suppressing the mandron and protecting his grandson.

Yang Xue\'s medical dischargement form and also reenlistment form had been blocked by him. The plan was to completely discharge Yang Xue from the army low-key but the opportunity had not presented itself yet.

Now this happened...

Ding Wang and Xia Yueyu had ignorantly rushed over to contact the Yangs, ready to pay any price to get Yang Xue. As for him, he dreaded the demands Yang Xue would make in exchange for his grandson\'s life...

Somewhere in Cladis;

He Yuan watched the news with a cold glint in his eyes. He knew very well that the Dings would be thinking of all sorts of methods to contact Yang Xue by now. Unfortunately...

"Ha." He chuckled dryly. He was going to give Ding Weimin a week, two or even more to enjoy his fate. Since the Dings all had bad memory, it wouldn\'t hurt to remind them of the reason Yang Xue had been so important in the first place.

888, on the other hand, silently observed his host\'s energy with furrowed brows.

Should he say something?

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