
Chapter 221 Little Mandron Soldier 44

Ding Weimin stared hard at the adamantine glass surrounding him with bright eyes. He\'d heard Yang Xue\'s words just now. These past days he\'d been feeling increasingly lethargic and could barely keep himself awake but at this moment, his entire body was brimming with energy.

He was suddenly informed by the researchers back at the Ding estate that the procedure was going to be carried out here and although being like this in front of so many people who admired him made him a bit uncomfortable, nobody could see him and that was enough.

He clenched his fists. This action caused the amount of blood dripping from the cuts on his arm to increase but he didn\'t care. Yang Xue was finally willing to help him!

Satisfaction bloomed in his heart. He knew the mandron wouldn\'t hold on for too long. In the end, Yang Xue was still the sweet mandron he knew. Those cold eyes that had haunted him from the Military hospital was just a thing of the moment.

It was because Yang Xue had been very angry back then but now... The mandron must have thought things through and realized the merit would be more meaningful if it was under his -Ding Weimin\'s - name!

In the conference hall, someone finally decided to speak up. It was the Sixth Marshal. "What are you doing?" She asked with a frown directed at He Yuan.

The other people in the hall also reacted. Yes, indeed. What really was the mandron doing? Inside the covered adamantine glass, Ding Weimin frowned slightly. The sudden question confused him. What was going on out there?

In the end, an andronian reporter was more \'understanding\' of the situation. \'Mandrons,\' She thought with an eye roll as she casually pointed at the adamantine glass holding Ding Weimin. "You\'ve made a mistake, the General is that way."

He Yuan turned to her with a deadpan expression. "I know," And then he turned to snap his fingers at the researchers. "Quick, begin the process, my legs hurt from standing."

The Third Marshal\'s eyes blazed. Was the mandron messing with them? He cleared his throat loudly. "You know fully well that Ding Weimin is in the other adamantine glass so what are you doing?"

He Yuan slowly turned to him. "What does Ding Weimin being in that glass have to do with me?" The eyes of everyone widened in shock but he ignored them and he glared at the researchers. "Do you want to do the demonstration or not?"


The Third Marshal hit the armrest of his chair in anger. "Have you gone mad?!"

Even the Sixth Marshal was not much better. A cold glare settled on her face almost immediately.

"YOU\'RE GOING TOO FAR!" A protester finally shouted when he realized He Yuan\'s action hadn\'t been a mistake.

"Wasn\'t this issue already settled? What are you playing hard to get for?!" Another one shouted.

"Tsk," Yet another one began, "I thought you were a soldier? Just now the Sixth Marshal had given a command and yet you\'re blatantly being so disrespectful!"

The Sixth Marshal lessened the glare on her face at that. She indeed felt disrespected by the mandron\'s actions. Now she wasn\'t on the side of the Dings or anything but she had taken it upon her to speak up and end the strife a while ago. By right, the mandron should respect her status and give her a little bit of acknowledgement by putting off whatever beef he had with the Dings until the conference was over!

He Yuan calmly looked over to the protester who had last spoken. He desperately wanted to call the person an idiot but he had to be mindful of Yang Xue\'s image in front of so many cameras, he settled for a less satisfactory sneer instead. "Can you hear yourself speak?

-Why would I do such a stupid thing? If I helped the General out, how am I going to get what he owes me?"


The entire hall blew up after that scream and people began raining curses on He Yuan once more. The reporters took that chance and rushed over to the Ding parents once more.

They tried to get to Yang Xue but there were security personnels manning the podium so they gave up.

The Third Marshal narrowed his eyes then but he returned to his calm state. Since the mandron didn\'t know what was good for him, then things would return to what he\'d planned before. The mandron could only blame himself for his stupidity.

Inside the adamantine glass, Ding Weimin\'s fists tightened once more. Why was Yang Xue being so stubborn? Why was the mandron so hung up on those merits? If Yang Xue could just ask for anything else. Anything else in the world, he would gladly give it but not the merits. He really couldn\'t afford to.

The army was his life. It was all he\'d lived for. If he admitted the truth about that merit then he would get kicked out dishonourably. All his past achievements wouldn\'t count and he would be hated by everyone.

All his years of hardwork would come crashing down and what would he do then? He knew nothing else apart from being a soldier. It was what kept him going. Getting to the top of the army was all he\'d ever understood since he could understand words. It was more than just a dream to him.

It really was his entire life!

Stealing the merit had already made him ashamed of himself and immensely guilty. Yang Xue should be aware of that so what else did the mandron want? Wasn\'t the guilt that he had to live with for the rest of his life not enough?!

Outside the hall, all twenty reporters surrounded Ding Wang and Xue Yueyu, bombarding them with all sorts of absurd questions.

Xia Yueyu distanced herself away from the reporters to the best of her abilities and let her eyes trail to the podium. Yang Xue was nonchalantly standing there with a bland expression. She couldn\'t comprehend how a person could be so heartless. It was truly the misfortune of the Dings to get involved with such a person.

Ding Wang looked to his wife and nodded. They had thought they could avoid doing this but it seemed they had no choice...

"FINE!" Xia Yueyu finally screamed, causing the hall to quieten a bit. Her face was flushed with shame as accepted the mic from a nearby reporter. She looked to He Yuan, hoping he\'d come to his senses but seeing the same bland expression, she grit her teeth in hatred. "You win. We\'ll clarify everything."

Every single person turned to Xia Yueyu in interest. The Second Marshal and Jin Qi straighted whilst the Third Marshal\'s eyes narrowed once more. He was very sure his son and daughter-in-law had no idea about the merit so what was this about?

The surroundings became so silent that a reporter eagerly spoke up, "Mrs Xia. What do you mean? What truth are y-"

"SHUT UP AND LET HER SPEAK!" A protester shouted in impatience and the reporter lowered his mic in shame.

"The thing is..." Xia Yueyu began. "Well. Tsk. It\'s true that Yang Xue had been the one to help Ding Weimin back then and also... The reason he\'d been sent off from the Ding family and also the reason he\'s angry is because. The..." She looked to the adamantine glass. "The... both of them had indeed been in a relationship back then."

"NO WAY!" A protester shouted in shock. Of course they were aware of the news but jonone really believed the General had been in that kind of relationship!

"I... I can\'t believe it..." A different protester uttered slowly.

Xia Yueyu panicked a little and tried to salvage the situation. "In fact, it had been a mistake on Ding Weimin\'s part. He just did it out of gratitude. You can see he\'s already engaged to A\'Qi!"

Everyone turned to Jin Qi and pity shone in her eyes. It was true. The General was indeed engaged to Lieutenant Jin.... How must she be feeling at the moment?

With all the attention suddenly turned on her, Jin Qi was at a loss. How was she meant to respond? With the Dings admitting this, Yang Xue might finally help Ding Weimin and he would be well soon so what step was she supposed to take?

Her eyes trailed to her grandfather. The Second Marshal gave her a few blinks and she understood. She quickly lowered her head and pretended to be extremely hurt. No one could fault her for this.

At that moment, the Sixteenth Marshal scoffed. Truthfully, she felt the mandron was just being unnecessarily petty and jealous. "All this fuss for such a small issue?"

The rumbling protesters shut up at that. Deep down, they all felt this way too -especially the reporters. They felt cheated. This news was really not worth it. In fact, most of them had already guessed it a while ago. The Andron was really too petty.

Xia Yueyu saw the direction of things and this boosted her confidence. Her eyes first trailed to Jin Qi, who had her head lowered and she felt a little bit of shame. They had really wronged A\'Qi by hiding this from her. Finally, she turned to the podium with all self righteousness. "We have already said the truth! Why aren\'t you helping yet?!"

All eyes turned to He Yuan but to their bewilderment once more, he burst into laughter.

He Yuan looked around the hall. He found it really cute that Xia Yueyu would think he would waste his time for those rubbish words she just spouted. He shook his head and laughed a bit more before locking eyes with her. "You think this was what I wanted?"

He slowly turned to the adamantine glass containing special one no.1. "Ding Weimin you must really enjoy the pain you\'re going through now. Rather than pretend to be mute why not tell everyone what I really want... hm?"

It was silent once more before Xia Yueyu sprang up from her seat. "You bastard!"

The people nearby looked at the always pristine Madam Ding in shock but she didn\'t pay any mind and pointed at He Yuan with red eyes.

"You\'re just making things up! What does Min\'er owe you?! You\'re just being petty and refusing to help him over a small grudge. Min\'er is a General of the Federation and does not deserve such treatment from you! This should be against the law. You should be arrested!"

He Yuan laughed. "Your son is silent and you think I\'m the one making things up? If he\'s innocent why isn\'t he speaking for himself?"

"Yang Xue!" The Third Marshal finally intervened through gritted teeth. He didn\'t like where this was going at all!

He Yuan eyed the Third Marshal for a few seconds before slowly blinking. "You know everything?" He smiled. "How peculiar."

Xia Yueyu turned to the Third Marshal in confusion. "Father-in-law? What is he talking about?"

The protesters were fully silent now and absorbed in what was going on and the reporters sprang to life once more. There was more!

One of them shouted, "Marshal Ding, what else could the mandron want? You seem to know."

"He\'s just being delusional. There\'s nothing else." The Third Marshal said dismissively.

Xia Yueyu looked to her husband in confusion. If there was something else then it was best if they just said it all now. What was the worst that could happen? On the other hand, if they took so much time then all hope would be lost for her son!

Ding Wang gulped. "Father it\'s best if we jus-"

"SHUT UP!" The Third said with a disappointed glare. How did he birth a child so foolish?!

Xia looked at the Third Marshal\'s expression and became desperate. "Father we really can\'t hold on for much longer!"

The Third Marshal frowned. "What do you mean?"


The entire hall turned dead silent at that.

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