
Chapter 283 My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 42

Gu Longwei frowned. Chen Meili wanted anal? His eyes trailed to her slightly bulging stomach. He also thought of the fact that there was no condoms and the woman might be weary because she had to be with Han Tao later.

He nodded. "But there\'s no-"

"It\'s okay." Chen Meili cut in with a seductive smile and reached out to pull out a packet of lube from the bedside drawer.

Gu Longwei calmly accepted the lube no questions asked. Although it was odd that Chen Meili had such an item readily available in this wing, he was aware that the young lady wasn\'t really the innocent person that she portrayed herself to be. Besides, he was pent up so why should he care?

10 minutes later, moans and cries of ecstasy filled the room.


Han Rong moved from one section of the mansion to another in search of her husband. He\'d sent her a text that he was on his way to the living room so why wasn\'t he here?

They had somewhere to be in a while!

"Eh, mother?" Han Wen walked into the mansion from the garden to find her mother staring at the wall with an annoyed frown. "What\'s wrong?"

Han Rong patted her immaculately styled hair and turned to her daughter. "I can\'t find your father and we have an event to attend in 10 minutes!"

Han Wen wrinkled her nose. "Have you checked upstairs?"

Han Rong stated at her last child with a deadpan expression. "Of course I have! I\'m coming from ther-" She paused and waved her arms in frustration. "You know what? I\'ll check again." And then she stomped up the stairs.

Han Wen stared after her mother, pouted her lips and moved it from side to side before heading over to the kitchen.

Han Rong searched her family wing over and over again but she couldn\'t find her husband. She ran into Han Yi and Han Jiao but they also had no idea where he was.

Although it was evening, the sun was still up! Where could a grown man have suddenly disappeared to in broad daylight?!

Angrily, she decided to head downstairs again but on the way, she paused and stared at Han Jinhai\'s family wing with a confused frown.

The wing had been closed since Chen Meili moved out weeks ago. Why was the door suddenly wide open? Out of curiosity, she walked up the stairs and looked around. Everywhere was dead silent. She looked up the second flight of stairs that led to the master\'s bedroom and was about to go up when,


Her phone rang.

Han Rong looked down and seeing it was the host of the event, she waved her hands in frustration again. "Gu. Longwei!" With that annoyed hiss, she turned around and walked out of the wing to continue her search for her husband.

Two hours later;

Gu Longwei and Chen Meili collapsed on the bed, sweaty, exhausted and fully sated.

With a red face and a warm smile, Gu Longwei turned to the side and placed a hand on Chen Meili\'s stomach. It still amazed him how he\'d been able to deposit three boys in her stomach.

Although he had six beautiful girls, he\'d always secretly wished that he had a son. Without thinking, he blurted out, "How are they?"

Chen Meili\'s expression froze and the heady feeling of satisfaction immediately sizzled out. Why would Uncle Gu suddenly ask this? She pretended to stretch sideways so his hands naturally fell off her stomach.

Next, she sat up on the bed and wrapped the sheets around herself before saying with a strained smile, "They\'re fine. How could brother Tao let his babies be anything but fine?"

Gu Longwei raised a brow. He understood what Chen Meili was trying to say but he was still a little dissatisfied. He was the one who had done all the work afterall. When was it Han Tao\'s turn to take all the credit?

He was about to open his mouth and make his point when a thought crossed his mind and he froze.

Yes, three boys were good but was it worth the risk of being divorced by Han Rong and getting kicked out of the Han mansion?

At this point in time. Not really.

On the other hand... if these three grew up and inherited the Han family\'s properties and wealth... what did that mean?

Gu Longwei\'s lips slowly curved in a smile. He was more than happy knowing that the ineritance of the Hans would, in the end, fall into the hands of his own seeds. Ha!

When that happened -and the transfer was completed- all he needed to do was step forward and provide a DNA test stating that the boys were his. Wouldn\'t that mean that he would be the one to control all of this generational wealth in the future? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Compared to that, why should he worry about the fact that Chen Meili was trying to pretend like she had no idea who exactly had impregnated her?

With all these running in his head, Gu Longwei also sat up and nodded at Chen Meili. "It should be expected that Han Tao would take proper care of you and his children."

Chen Meili smiled freely then. It seemed she had overthought. Her triplets belonged to brother Tao and Uncle Gu, of all people, should understand that. She had overreacted just now.


Han Tao returned home earlier than usual today. He was aware that he had been neglecting Chen Meili lately and even his mother had pointed that out so he felt guilty.

Although all he wanted was to make her happy by getting justice for her brother, he still didn\'t want her to feel alone so with a bunch of roses in his hands, he gingerly walked into the mansion.

The second he stepped in, he ran into a distressed Han Rong surrounded by Min Yanyu, Han Yi, Han Jiao, Han Wen and Fu Lan. He frowned. "What\'s wrong?"

They all turned to the door whilst Han Rong hurriedly walked forward to hold Han Tao\'s arm. "A\'Tao, it\'s your Uncle Gu. I can\'t find him anywhere and I also can\'t reach him on phone!"

Min Yanyu walked forward too. "She just informed us of this a while ago and even when we all tried calling, we couldn\'t reach him!"

Han Tao\'s brows raised and he took another glance around. "Where\'s Meili?"

Every single person looked took a glance around before Han Jiao spoke up, "She should be upstairs. We haven\'t seen her since after lunch."

Han Tao nodded. "I\'ll go check on her first." And then he walked up the stairs.

With nothing else to do, the rest followed after Han Tao.

The second they all arrived at the second floor they ran into Chen Meili and Gu Longwei walking down the stairs of Han Jinhai\'s wing one after the other.

Chen Meili jump started but quickly held herself back from turning around and sprinting into the privacy of her late ex-husband\'s wing. In her shock, she locked eyes with Han Tao whilst her mouth opened and closed a few times.

Her heart thumped hard against her rib cage as she thought of something to say. Why did all of them suddenly show up here?!

Gu Longwei was startled too but was also quick to comport himself.

On the other hand, confusion covered the faces of everyone else. Naturally, no one would suspect anything immoral as there could be a multitude of innocent reasons as to why Gu Longwei and Chen Meili would be in Han Jinhai\'s wing.

Their main source of confusion was the fact that Gu Longwei, who they had all been searching for, had been in Han Jinhai\'s wing all along.

Han Rong stepped forward. "Longwei, we\'ve been looking all over for you. What were the two of you doing in Jinhai\'s wing?"

A fairly reasonable question but to the guilty ears.. it sounded like an accusation.

Before Gu Longwei could say anything, Chen Meili blinked at Han Tao and quickly rasped, "I realized earlier today that I lost an earring so I came here in search of it. As for Uncle Gu, he... he.."

Min Yanyu frowned. "He what?"

Gu Longwei steadied his breathing and took over then, "I was on my way downstairs when I had a runny stomach. This wing was close by so I decided to just you know..."

Understanding dawned on everyone. So this was why Chen Meili looked so embarrassed? Afterall, talking about an Uncle\'s bowel movement did not seem like a comfortable topic.

Everyone shook their heads in exasperation but then Han Wen eyed her father. "You spent all over three hours... taking a shit?"

The women blushed in embarrassment and Han Rong turned to eye her daughter but right after, she turned to Gu Longwei for an explanation. Three hours was indeed too long.

Gu Longwei eyed his youngest daughter and grit his teeth. "I had been a little tired right after and decided to close my eyes for a bit. I had no idea time would fly so fast."

He turned to Chen Meili. "It\'s a good thing Meili had come in a while ago and found me. Else I would still be asleep."

Chen Meili tightened her expression and made sure to avoid looking at Gu Longwei but, hidden in her long sleeved dress, were fisted hands.

Everyone looked from Gu Longwei to Chen Meili for a few seconds before shaking their heads. The story might be a little odd but it still seemed plausible.

They were too relieved that nothing bad happened to Gu Longwei to think deeply about the situation.

Min Yanyu smiled. "It\'s about time for dinner. Why don\'t we head downstairs."

Everyone nodded in agreement but Han Rong had her eyes on her husband. Her expression made it clear that she was going to give him an earful later for being so careless and neglecting the fact that they had been heading to an event.

The Hans filed downstairs whilst Han Tao walked up to Chen Meili and presented her with the flowers he\'d gotten her with a warm smile. "If you lose something, just have the servants search for it. Don\'t stress yourself or I might worry."

Chen Meili accepted the flowers with a blush. Her heart was still beating quite fast from almost getting caught so she placed a hand against Han Tao\'s cheek and smoothly changed the topic, "You got home early today. I\'m so happy."

Han Tao stroked her hair with an even warmer smile. It was a little damp and wet at the ends but he thought nothing of it. She must have taken a shower before going to look for her earring. "I\'ll try to be home earlier from now one. Let\'s go down for dinner."

Chen Meili nodded obediently and elegantly walked in front of Han Tao as she sniffed the flowers.

Seeing her innocent and carefree demeanor, love threatened to tear Han Tao\'s heart to shreds.

Meili was so easy to please. How cute. If it were his ex wife, Xu Lifen, she would have probably given him more trouble than was necessary for being so busy at work.




Three days later, Chen Bai finally woke up from coma.

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