
Chapter 134 - Have You Thought About It Yet ?

What amazed Kevin was that it only took 4 demonstrations for Erik to grab the sequences of movements he used to create an opening to strike at the throat, and not only that, Erik had also learned how and when he could use them.

Kevin had created a lot of sequences of movements that allowed each time to hit a vital point, no matter how his opponents chose to attack, he only needed to deflect one punch or one kick to take the control of the fight and strike where it hurt the most.

That was why he wanted Erik to understand the importance of deflecting an attack, because it would provide him with all the opportunity he needed to win a fight.

And so, Kevin kept showing his sequences of movements to Erik, and when he told him that it was okay, and that he had assimilated the sequences of movements that he wanted him to learn, he was testing him by playing the guinea pig to check if Erik had understood them correctly.

After two hours of intensive training, Erik had learned and mastered how to use his chakra to defend himself against the attacks of his opponents.

And, he had learned 5 sequences of movements that would allow him to strike at the vital points.

For the moment, Kevin had only taught him those which could temporarily paralyze an opponent but which didn\'t result in death.

One of the sequences of movements would allow him to break his opponent\'s nose, two others would allow him to hit in the throat and the last two in the breastbone.

He told him that first he would teach him how to fight in order to win fights in a tournament, that\'s what he had called the basics movements, and then, after that, they would get down to business and Kevin would teach him how to quickly kill the monsters that were in the dungeons.

While Axel and Alan looked like they were having fun training together, Kevin decided to take a break and they walked away from the training grounds a bit.

He then asked to Erik the thing that kept coming to his mind : "Have you thought about it yet ? About what I told you the last time ?"

Seeing that Erik was watching him startled he added, thinking that indeed his words weren\'t enough to get what he wanted to talk about : "Do you want to try and develop your combat intelligence skill into something much more powerful and dangerous which is the Warrior Spirit skill ?"

Erik, who had finally understood why Kevin wanted to walk away a bit from the training grounds, nodded with a determined look and said to him honestly : "Only, Alan won\'t be okay with this kind of training, and I don\'t want him to get mad at me …"

Kevin who had witnessed how much Alan could be protective on Erik got that already, so he asked him instead : "How many hours of meditation does he do per day and are you with him when he meditates ?"

Erik mechanically replied to Kevin : "Usually he meditates 3 to 5 hours a day and it\'s always the afternoon, either it\'s when I\'m training with Axel, or it\'s when I\'m going on an expedition, but he never do it when I\'m at home with him, why ?"

Kevin smirked and said to him : "Then it\'s perfect ! Alan doesn\'t need to know precisely everything you do when you are training.

But I would need Axel\'s help ... and Ashton\'s too, I will see him tomorrow, I will ask him for more of his remedy and in return I will teach him how to fight.

If you really want to develop this skill it will be long and you will have to get through lot of pain, but in the end, you will also become very strong.

With Axel we will fight against you until you pass out from exhaustion or pain, and we will do it again and again until your body will start to fight back when you are unconscious, that will be the next step for you.

Don\'t forget that at anytime you can give up on this idea if it\'s too hard, I will never judge you or think that you are weak because you give up, understood ?"

Erik nodded, but he would never give up, no matter how hard would be this training he would endure it.

Kevin added to reassure him : "I will give you Healing potions to heal your body and Ashton\'s remedy for your mental fatigue, it should be enough to hide what we are doing from Alan."

Erik nodded again, he was determined, it was the only way he had to get strong enough to be able to protect his man.

Kevin asked him still a little worried for him : "Are you sure you don\'t want to tell Alan about it ?"

Erik said to him, while putting his hand on his neck feeling frustrated : "No I\'m not sure, I want to tell him, because I would like him to support me, but Alan is too protective, if I tell him that I\'m going to train until I pass out from exhaustion or pain, he is going to lock me up in our house and he won\'t let me go out without him ever again."

Kevin chuckled awkwardly, it was true that Alan looked like someone who could do something crazy like that, Erik added : "There is also something we need to talk to you about and this thing isn\'t just about you.

If this is really related to the Warrior Spirit skill then that concerns me as well, but right now, you are the only one who know that the combat intelligence skill and the Warrior Spirit skill are related.

With Alan we wanted to talk to you about it during lunch time, it\'s about the golden symbol that appeared on your forehead when you were fighting the Elite Warrior Vampire."

Kevin had gotten very serious again and he said to him : " Let\'s come back and join our men, I have to tell something to you and Alan, don\'t worry, that\'s a good thing ... I think."

Erik followed him and repeated curiously : "A good thing ?"

Kevin smiled at him and said : "Let\'s just say that the turn of events makes Axel happy, and Alan will probably be happy too."

Erik was really curious but he didn\'t insist, if Alan was going to like it then it was enough for him.

When they returned to the training ground number 10, Axel and Alan joined them not long after, and once they had all shared their feelings about their first training together, Kevin explained to them what had happened with Liam.

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