
Chapter 226 - A Bit Too Much

When Kevin faced him, Erik eyes were golden and the mark on his forehead had spread but not all over his face, he tried to talk to him but then Erik with his bare hands punched on the face one of the dead giants who under the power of this attack lost it and then Kevin decided to behead the last one.

Even if the Stats of those superior summoned creatures were impressive, it was nothing compared to them, Erik with this red that was still spreading in his golden aura must have his Stats multiplied at least by 15 may be more.

Kevin tried to talk to him again but it was as if he was talking to a wall and when he saw him moving towards the General Wizard, he intercepted him and they began to fight each other.

Kevin had just dispersed the particles he had used to shap his shortsword because he had no intention of hurting Erik with it, and so he was fighting him in close combat with only his Chains of Restraint forming a shield from time to time in front of him to prevent Erik\'s more powerful strikes from reaching him.

Kevin then heard Axel\'s voice in his head, \'Alan is awake, he says you have to remove the shield that protects him and you have to hold Erik with your Chains of Restraint long enough for him to talk to him and calm him down.\'

Kevin smirked, indeed Alan was their last hope to get Erik to calm down, he then said to Axel, \'Warn him that my Chains of Restraint won\'t be able to hold him in place for very long, if he can\'t calm him down I\'ll have to knock him out.\'

Kevin immediately removed the shield he put around Alan and as Erik tried to hit him again, he used his Chains of Restraint to encircle him and as they had done before with that goddess, they wrapped around him to completely block him.

Kevin then led an uncooperative Erik who was trying with all his might to free himself from the Chains of Restraint to Alan, and Alan, after what Axel had just told him about the fact that Erik\'s heart might stop beating if the red that was mixed with his golden aura continued to spread, didn\'t think any further about it, and following his instinct he first put one of his hands on Erik\'s cheek to get his attention.

Erik froze immediately and turned his golden eyes towards him, he had stopped struggling and Alan took the opportunity to put his other hand behind his head and he leaned in to kiss him feverishly.

To his surprise Erik didn\'t even try to resist him and he began to whisper words of love that Erik was used to hear from him against his lips, and as he continued to kiss him he felt something wet on his face.

And when he moved away to look at Erik\'s face he saw that tears were rolling down his cheeks and his golden eyes began to turn back to their natural azure color.

The mark on his forehead and his golden red aura disappeared and when Kevin released him he immediately collapsed into Alan\'s arms unconscious.

Alan felt tears rolling down his cheeks too and he knew that he couldn\'t stop them ... As he was looking for Ian, he appeared just in front of him and handed him a Teleportation Talisman paper without him having to ask anything and he said to him : "Go home ! We will let you know when we will be done here with the communication stones, don\'t worry about us it will be fine now."

Kevin in turn handed him an Ashton\'s remedy and said : "He\'ll need it when he wakes up ... I promise you that we\'ll be careful, I\'ll kill this asshole fast don\'t worry."

Alan knew that Kevin could use his Stage 3 again because Axel had told him so ... So he just nodded and opened the teleportation portal right away.

It had been a bit too much of emotions even for him, he had almost died and he knew it, he had been in a kind of dark bottomless pit and all he could see was a golden thread connecting him to something but at first he didn\'t know what it was.

And when he touched it he felt all the emotions that Erik was feeling and then he understood that this golden thread was probably their dual cultivation bond.

He had seen it almost disappear and gradually the pain, despair and hatred that Erik was feeling at that moment had become a faint whisper in his mind.

He had tried to hold on to it but it was inexorably disappearing and just when he thought all hope was lost he had seen their bond regain all its power and he had heard Kevin\'s voice ordering him to return.

When he had woken up, Axel, who was fighting close to him, had told him that only a few minutes had passed since he had been hit, while he had felt as if he had been in this dark bottomless pit for hours, with his bond with Erik as the only source of warmth and light.

And when Axel had told him that Erik, whom he had normally saved, was still in mortal danger, a visceral fear had seized him at the idea of losing him ... So all he wanted to do now was to go home and take care of his man, he knew that his friends understood him and he knew that they would not hold it against him for having left them this time.

And as Alan disappeared through the teleportation portal, everyone turned to the General Wizard who was the only monster still alive in the room, and as for Kevin he still had 8 dead knights level 150 and 14 dead knights level 75 who had survived.

Kevin then asked Axel, Liam and Ian how were they feeling and they all told him that they were fine so Kevin said to them : "Let\'s finish this quickly, whatever he has in store for us I won\'t give him another chance to hurt any of you."

They all retreated to the entrance of the room and once Kevin was sure that his Soul force points were at their maximum, he activated his observation skill and released the General Wizard who wasted no time, and instantly purple portals appeared and dead cyclops and dead giants came out of them.

Messages appeared as his observation skill copied the spells.

[ Darkness element spell level 7 : Summoning Superior Dead Cyclops, need 9 600 Soul force points to activate the observation skill, Yes / No. ]

[ Darkness element spell level 8 : Summoning Superior Dead Giants, need 19 200 Soul force points to activate the observation skill, Yes / No. ]

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