
Chapter 372 Burn them to Ash

“What are you doing? Back away!” The court mage heard someone call her from behind.

“Queen Amela, what is happening here?”

“Haven’t you received my order to not displease the white mage? Do you want the capital turned to dust?” The queen was furious. Cain’s just a powerful person, he was here to help Isbert as well.

“Wait, that’s the white mage? Where is Queen Jean then, isn’t he here to heal princess Isbert?” The court mage looked confused, how can a mother not be present with her daughter in such a situation?

“She must be in her family house running through the alchemy books, she was looking for a cure there. Hurry and inform her that the white mage has arrived.”

The court mage bowed and flew immediately, time was of importance. But as soon as she reached the sky, she flew back down toward the king with a slightly paled face.

“Your majesty, the orcs are attacking again. Please order the knights to get ready.” Orcs were a bit stupid, but they were strong. They boasted skin that range from pink to dark green, a pig-like nose, and violent behavior. Their intelligence averaged at 6 so they were almost unable to speak. Yet their strength averaged at 15 so they are strong. But what is most scary about them is their fast life cycle.

The women give birth just two months after getting pregnant and the children grow to adult size in three years. Their average expected life is 40 years since they often die in battle. The world was in debate as to whether they should be considered an intelligent race or monsters, mostly because they killed and ate every ambassador or diplomat sent to them.

As the king was about to rush toward the barracks to issue a direct order, Cain finished his fight with Isbert. The princess was on the ground exhausted and Cain stood to her side.

“What is happening, King Baltos?” Cain asked with a smile as he carried the princess like a bag of luggage using [Telekinesis]

“Nothing that major to concern you, just a bunch of wild orcs.”

“How many of them?” Cain asked, this might be a golden chance.

“A few thousand, they shouldn’t pose a threat to the capital’s massive walls though.” The court mage said. This was the heavily fortified capital after all.

“Listen, I do want to use the help of your army later. I’m talking about the marine fleet especially. Can, I use this opportunity to show some power and goodwill?” Cain asked with a smile.

DING! DING! DING! They all could hear the bell alarm the guards at the wall were ringing. They finally spotted the orcs and were trying to inform everyone to head inside the walls. The people were quite used to this as this was the second attack just this winter.

“Don’t joke around, you can’t just drop a meteor on them and damage the capital.” The court mage started at him.

“Don’t worry, I won’t use that since I want to conserve Mana. I will as a friend help, she should have already sensed them and is waiting to hear what I will say.” Cain gave them an evil smile.

The kind wanted to see the extent of the white mage’s power with his own eyes. Also if Cain displayed his power here, the world will think that the king has already allied with him which is an advantage.

“Fine, show me what you got. Make it a bit flashy so I can get some political power while you’re at it.” The king smiled.

Cain took a deep breath and shouted.

“ZALERIA!” At that moment, everyone felt the immense presence that she was hiding. Just the magic releasing from her passively was enough to heat the capital as if it was summer. “BURN THEM TO ASH!”

The court mage saw a small red fireball ascend to the sky at a blinding speed. BOOOM! As the fireball exploded into a massive crimson rose, a red dragon emerged from the flames with an ear-shattering roar.

The entire capital was about to start panicking but they soon calmed down when the dragon flew away.

Zaleria flew toward the orcs she sensed at Cain’s orders, quickly spotting them and engaging in direct combat. The stupid creatures were approaching from rocky terrain, no they were a bit smart as that will make it hard for the capitals to send cavalry at them. But, Zaleria was another problem, she could burn them with ease there.

Opening her mouth wide open, she aimed for a weak breath that can be kept constant like a flame thrower. She didn’t want to use an excessive amount of power and end up causing an explosion.

The orcs started to retreat immediately as they saw the dragon approach. Even they knew that the thing was too powerful.

- Zaleria unleashed her breath at them as they started to retreat, in a few seconds she wiped them out leaving only the sweet smell of roasted pork. CRACK! She landed on the scorched land and glared around to check for survivors, there were none.

Orcs were not as smart as other races but they shouldn’t be stupid enough to attack the capital over and over. ~Cain, I can sense their nest in the stone mountains, should I clear them out as well~

~Do it if you can, they have been attacking the capital repeatedly~ Cain replied to her message immediately.

~isn’t that strange~

~It is, but knowing the orcs it might just be that food scares or they wanted to take revenge for one of their kind~ Cain replied with what should be going on, an orc goes stray, attack a group of adventures, and end up killed. After that, the whole tribe comes to take revenge. Or they ran of options are considering humans as a possible source of food [they usually don’t as hunting animals is easier than humans]

~I understand, consider it cleared~ Zaleria replied as she flew toward the orcs’ nest.

~By the way, when you return and soldiers ask why you helped fend off the orcs, just say that you work for the king’s friend. It will give us some political power~

~I see, then I will come straight for you after I finish~

Cain turned around facing Baltos, “She already cleared the orcs and is about to clear their nest as well. Please as the guards clear a place for her to land in the royal garden.”

“Here? She will trample everything!” Noel rushed in as she has just finished wearing her armor in vain.

“She won’t, just tell the guard not to get too close to her,” Cain said.

“Do as he says,” The king grinned, no one will dare challenge him if he had a dragon at hand.

“Let’s take her inside already, I want to examine her,” Cain said as he walked toward the inner building with Isbert floating beside him.

“Hey, Cain, have you married yet?” The king asked.

“Yes, I do have five wives at the moment,” Cain replied knowing where the conversation is going.

“That’s good, it’s only five. Would you mind taking a couple of my daughters?” The king said with a grin, “I’m not even going to hide it, you’re a weapon of mass destruction with that dragon. Being tied to the kingdom will give us massive political power as well as military might.”

“It isn’t in my hand, they have to convince my five wives,” Cain said with a smile, he could marry one of the princesses and then support her to take the throne giving him the title of king.

“I do have twenty-one wives, you are far away from what someone with your power should dream with.” Baltos laughed.

“That sounds painful, I don’t think I will be able to handle it,” Cain replied.

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