
Chapter 141 - 141 - Lies And Betrayal

Zou Yue leaned against the door, panting softly. The betrayal he felt was minimum, but the thought that he could have prevented so many things if he had met Tian earlier kept running in his mind continuously.

He slowly slouched down, hugging his knees. \'So many things could have been changed... so many.....\'

\'Not only that... I led a white-eyed wolf into my house without even realising it....\'

Yue gritted his teeth loudly.

\'This has to end....\' he threw opened the door and walked out.

Everyone was at the same place he had left. His father was hugging his sobbing mother soothing her back like a baby.

Hary still stood there, peering at him with his eyes wide open.

He walked straight up to him. "Leave....."


"I said get out of here."

"Let me explain,"

"I don\'t need an explanation!" Yue screamed at the top of his lungs. "Just.... just get out..."

Silent tears rolled down his face as he glanced at Hary\'s stunned face. "I don\'t want to see you anywhere close to my family,"

Hary shook his head. "Yue I didn\'t have any bad intentions,"

"Yet still you lied!"

Yue peered up at his face with and grin. "I trusted you and you broke that trust in just a movement,"

Hary just backed up with an unbelievable look. "I betrayed you? Me?" he pulled at his hair a little. "It was you and your family that betrayed Tian\'s trust,"

"Hary!" Tian ran close and glared at him intently. "Stop it,"

"No, Tian, let them hear it. They need to know..." his glaring eyes focused on Yue\'s parents. "You.... you both had her, but you left for dead.... do you know what she went through to even survive...."

"Hary, don\'t say another word.." Tian gripped his hands tightly.

He just flung her hand away. He walked up to Yue and gripped his chin. "You cry such beautiful tear but have you once thought why Tian never cries? After years of sobbing and wailing.... she lost the ability... she literally can\'t cry..." he squeezed his eyes tightly leaned his head forward. 

"w-what..." Yue looked up at him, stunned. "What did you say?"

"You heard me, right? Since when we were just three we went thought so much hell that our tear ducts..." he poked his eyes. Even so, they did not tear up. "Lost its tears... do you get it?"

Yue\'s tears rolled down faster, looking at his cold face.

"Tian and I suffered so much.... so much so that even though we are not related, she became my family. She was the little sister I never had. Is it wrong of me to check her so called birth family... after suffering so much under that cynical Murongs?"

"I did not lie, Yue... I was only being cautious...."

Yue sobbed loudly. "You could have said... you could have told me the truth.."

"Then what? Would you have allowed it? You are so protective of them. Isn\'t that why you sent me here? To protect them from any kind of harm?" Hary leaned closer, breathing on his face. "You can be protective of your family, but I\'m not allowed to? Stop and think," he caressed his tear-stained face. "Tian is my family too...."

"No! I don\'t mean that! I.... I could have prevented so many things of you had revealed the truth..." Yue pushed his hands away. "Tian.... she got bit... she almost died!!!.."

The whole room went silent at his statement.


"Tian almost turned into those things..... I could have prevented that painful wound if you had been truthful. I would have met her and convinced her to come with me... it could have been prevented." Yue wiped his snot and tears on his sleeve. "And... and... in that observatory.. She got badly wounded....there was so much blood... my hands are still stained pink..."

He could not control his emotions any longer. He sobbed loudly, hugging his ears. "She almost died....."

"So we are talking about what if\'s, huh. In the first place she would have not gotten hurt if not for you....." Hary just let out a cynical snort. "So what if I told you the truth in that car? You think you could have convinced Tian to leave with you before all this shit....."

Yue looked up.

"She would not have come with you."

"n-no... I could have.. I could have talked to her.. She came with me now! She would have come along with me!"

Hary just backed away with a small sideways smirk. "This is where we are different, Yue. You and us, we lead a different life. If not for the world coming to an end, she would not have chosen to join your family,"

Suddenly, someone slapped his left cheeks hard.

Stunned, Hary glanced down. Tian was softly panting, griping his torn up shirt. "Cool your fucking ass off!! Go for a walk! Darn it! Can\'t you see what you are doing?!"

Holding his heated cheek, Hary glanced around. Yue\'s parents were hugging each other and silently crying. Even the two girls were shedding tears. "I..."

"Don\'t spill your words in rage," Tian pushed him over to the door. "Calm your head for goodnes\'s sake,"

Hary grumbled, scratching his head slightly. Throwing a look at Yue, he whispered. "Your tears.... even now I don\'t understand them.....sorry I can\'t emphasize with you... if I had hurt you with my white lie I\'m sorry for that as well," he walked out.

Massaging her pounding head, Tian walked close to Yue.

The young man had his head down. Tears pooled under his feet.

"Don\'t take his words to heart. He was only trying to protect me. His ways..... Thought can be slightly crooked, but he only meant good..." she gently touched his stiff shoulders.



"Was he telling the truth?" Yue glanced up sniffing slightly. "You can\'t cry?"

Tian grimaced slightly. "Not that true..... I can.. I do... I mean. I can tear up very well..."

"The other things... was that true as well?"

"What other things?" she questionably looked into his wide brown eyes.

"You would not have come with me if not for the apocalypse?"

Tian faltered. "This...."

"The truth.... please tell me the truth. Would you have come with me?...."

His expectant eyes looked at her for answers, but to his dismay she looked hesitant. His heart stopped for a second.

"He was telling the truth... you would not have come with me...." he stepped back slightly.

"Yue. That\'s not it....I.. my life is different from yours. I don\'t want to put your family at risk..."

But by then, Yue started to sob earnestly. He did not even listen to her words. He just cried and cried until his eyes were swollen and red and even his nose was bright red.


The more she spoke, the more he cried.

"I-I will give you space," she hesitantly walked out of the house into the sunlit street. The afternoon sun was brightly shining over head casting a small shadow under her feet.

Tian kicked a small pebble in frustration.

"Got kicked out?" a smooth voice whispered from nearby.

Hary was squatting by the walls of the house, smoking an e-cigar.

"no....," she sat on the sandy ground taking the cigar form his hand. "You are right.. I don\'t understand his.... emotions..." she sighed loudly, puffing out a mouthful of smoke at the sky.

"The situation we grew in was not normal, so... normal seems so abnormal," Hary took the cigar from her and took a deep breath.

"Why didn\'t you tell me you met Yue, and you were at his parent\'s place?" she suddenly uttered, peering intently at him.

"I didn\'t want to hurt you...."

"I\'m not a porcelain doll. I don\'t break at such small things." she plucked the cigar from him and tossed it to the ground.

Hary sighed loudly. "I don\'t know what came onto me.... the way I acted seems so childish and immature when I think about it,"

"No, you acted like a complete asshole to a family that treated us with respect and love. I think even you can distinguish that feeling." she stood up, prancing in front of him. "Why?"

Hary lowered his head slightly, hiding it from her view.

"Why did you act that way? It is not the way you act.... it\'s abnormal..."

"I was jealous. You got a family now.... then I will be alone...." He ever so softly whispered.

Tian froze.

"They are warm.... and kind and... fun.... to be with. I was jealous,"

She sighed and kicked his butt.

The young man toppled down with his eyes wide open. "Why did you?.."

"My family is your family as well, you, idiot. Didn\'t you say we were siblings?"


"You think they will reject you. They even accepted a misfit like me. Hell, they even have a rat as a sibling." She chuckled softly. "Why did you think they won\'t have you as their family....."

Hary\'s dry eyes slightly teared up. He glanced at the sky, wishing them away.

"ah you can cry now."

"Shut up." he pushed her away playfully. "It\'s just dust.."

"Whatever you say buddy, whatever you say...." she smacked his back loudly. "Now get in there and apologise....."

He suddenly started to tremble. "I was awful.... they will most likely chase me out. Find me a spot in the streets. I can roll up and sleep like a shitty person I am..." he whined.

"Shut up and get in..... even I have a lot of explaining to do as well....."

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