
Chapter 157

Chapter 157: 157

I started this thing thinking of solving it in a few attempts but doing it without the proper key to start in is harder than expected. I decided to try everything possible and sift through it later to see if what makes more sense.

I looked at my watch and it is 9:27 PM.

“The ladies haven’t finished yet. *cracks knuckles* I better continue this now.” I thought to myself.

I then started to check first in the alphabet to match it with the numbers first but all I got was gibberish since some of them would shoot too far or some wouldn’t even make sense. I then tried placing it in binary first to see a pattern next and so on and so on.

“If I could only time travel. *sigh*” I thought to myself.

“Wait, I can!” I exclaimed in my head.

I checked my watch and it is now 9:29 PM.


“Wait for it…”

I checked it again and it was now 9:30 PM.

“I just traveled one minute… tada~” I thought to myself as I smirked.

“The f.u.c.k, I’m getting too distracted with my thoughts. Focus you little shit! Focus!” I scolded myself.

“Could I just be overthinking it and this would be a simple one or do I need to dig deeper? It’s hard Discerning the Transmunda- nope. The code, the code.” I thought to myself while checking it again from another angle.

After a few more minutes of grinding, I think I finally got it. All that’s left is the last step. The last text reads as:






“What could this mean now? There’s a few more like this now and I think this could be a start.” I thought to myself.

I was about to get on it again but then the door to my back opened. Kaley is drenched in sweat. I was about to hand her a towel to dry her off though she caught it and immediately went for the shower. I could hear the other ladies going down and they waved at me when our eyes met. Olivia and Rin is doing fine with Alex and the rest but I then saw Chris carrying Charlotte on his back slowly descending the stairs.

“Do you need help?” I asked.

“Oh, hi Sky. Nah, I’m fine. She’s actually really light.” he replied.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Can’t move~ too tired~” Charlotte replied as her head pops up.

“You finished it though. You have the stamina for it since we’re always jogging in the morning.” Chris replied.

“Hmm~ You’re right, you’re right. Let’s go… I need a shower. I’m too sweaty…” Charlotte can’t even hold Chris tight enough and she almost falls but Chris managed to stabilize it.

“Careful now. We’re at the stairs. Don’t fall here.” Chris reminded her.

They slowly went down and I believe Tatiana and Rin hasn’t come down yet.

“They could still be training upstairs. I wonder what she’s teaching her.” I was curious so I went up.

Bad idea.

I nonchalantly opened the door and I saw a clump of clothes in a corner. I dismissed it as that they changed clothes since it’s full of sweat and placed it in a small corner to be picked up later. I can’t hear shit since the music playing is loud and my ears are almost ringing from the bass.

Then I looked at the side.

Tatiana is seated on the side wall, legs spread wide while both of her hands are on top of a head that’s in her nether regions moving in a simple pattern. Her eyes are closed while the other petite figure that’s enjoying her lower body is bent on all fours while I could see everything of her from this angle. Rin’s left hand is in Tatiana’s thigh while the other is inside herself while a clear substance is falling on the side of her legs.

“This is really bad if they saw me here.” I thought to myself as I retreated.

I immediately moonwalked towards the door while I gently closed it and hoped that they didn’t see me. I walked down the stairs and almost immediately, the door from the bathroom opened then I flinched.

“Sky? What are you doing outside?” Kaley asked while she has new clothes on and a towel is on top of her head.

I signaled her to be quiet as a mouse and the two of us went inside the room as I locked it.

“What is it?” she asked curiously.

“Promise me you won’t get mad.” I said.

“Huh? Why? Is it something to be mad about?” she asked.

“Well, I really did nothing and it was an accident.” I replied.

Her eyebrows shot up and her head tilted.

“I promise I won’t get mad. Tell me.” she said as she removed the towel and started on drying her hair with it.

“Rin and Tatiana…” I said then I pointed both of my fingers towards the 3rd floor.

“Yeah… and?” she said.

I then formed my hands into pincers.

“Why are you doing hand signs? We’re alone here!” she got annoyed.

I then slowly brought my hands together and they met on the webbing of my fingers.

“What? Are you… no… no… what?! In there?!” her expression changed a few times.

“It was an accident! I just saw them there!” I explained.

“Oh really~? You did nothing else~” she raised her eyebrow.

“Well I did this…” I showed her the moonwalk I did to prove it and added the obligational ‘Hee! Hee!’.

She then shook her head helplessly and laughed out loud.

“Peeping tom.” she said after laughing hysterically..

“What?! I’m not peeping at them! It was an accident I tell you!” I exclaimed.

Her left eyebrow raised and then she suddenly pulled on the shirt that she’s wearing to reveal her bountiful b.r.e.a.s.ts and she pushed from below for it to almost pop out from the slight pressure beneath. As a man, it is a crime to not follow it with my eyes and ingrain it in my mind for years to come.

“It’s all for academic purposes.” I thought to myself.

What I didn’t notice is that she’s looking straight in my eyes the whole time. When she let go of her b.r.e.a.s.ts, my eyes went back to her eyes and she’s shaking her head.

“See? Peeping tom. You really like these two…” she said while grinning and shaking her head.

“Well I’m not gonna lie, If I could bury my face in them all day I would. I’ll just go back to solving what Roi left me while you sleep first. I’ll just open a small lamp here so I don’t disturb you.” I said as I went to the table where the stack of papers are.

“Oh~ Really~?” she asked.

“Really.” I replied as I poked her forehead and turned around.

“Let’s see who can control themselves that most.” I thought to myself.

I grabbed the pieces of paper and started on placing them with a light underneath to see some sort of pattern. I kept hearing shuffling sounds behind me but I didn’t mind it. The recurring pattern now is ‘IOR’ and it obviously meant his name. Looking at it again when you make a space for each ‘IOR’, it says:






“This is starting to make a bit of a sense now. The first and second line definitely translates as: ‘Satellite Phone Number’ and ‘Philippine’, now what does ‘BT’, ‘MGJ’, and ‘NWD’ stand for now?” I thought to myself as I ponder.

I crunched my eyebrows as I kept on staring at the last three words if it would make any sense or if I need to start over again on those parts. Since the first two lines is the most promising of the two.

“Oh! I don’t need to overthink it. The letter ‘B’ could mean ‘2’ and ‘T’ can be ’20’ since those are the numbers it would represent in the alphabet. Wait, no. ‘M’ is already ’13’ and ‘G’ is ‘7’ and if you even add ‘J’ as ’10’ it wouldn’t make sense since the numbers for the Sat Phones here is always at XXXX XXX XXX XXXX and ‘13710’ would be excessive. It could be a different way to look at them though.” I thought to myself.

I kept hearing shuffling sounds behind me and I looked back and Kaley is looking through the cabinet and she might be changing clothes for sleeping. I looked back at my work again and continued on.

“Philippine… wait. This could be also translated as ‘0063’ the number for contacting numbers in this country. So ‘0063 220’ and the rest is mumbo jumbo like a certain spoon on yt. Why can’t he just leave a message in a new device so I could just check it easily and not on this old device…” I then trailed and had an epiphany.

“Old device… this motherf.u.c.ker, of course!” I tapped my forehead when I realized that it was so easy.

“Old devices of course. Always the paranoid type eh Roi?” I thought to myself then I looked at the keyboard in my laptop, and lastly on my phone.

“Let’s see the old keyboard settings.” I thought to myself.

I was a few taps close to the settings and I felt something soft pressing against my back.

“Hey~ Turn around.” I heard from behind.

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