
Chapter 959 Abandon Hope

There was no guilt, no pity, and no remorse. In this world, absolute strength ruled above all, and those who could not defend themselves were not worthy of the life they clung to. Yet despite this utter coldness, there was a troubled expression on the woman\'s face. 

It was not because of the horrific acts that her brother\'s men committed. Rather, it was because the clock was ticking. Though the spirits\' assessment was correct when they said that the Byzantine Empire was weak. This would not matter if the Golden Horde could not achieve victory within the next three months.

The fact of the matter was it was truly shocking for the Mongol Princess to see just how pitiful the Byzantine\'s attempts to resist the Golden Horde actually were. If not for the fact that the Golden Horde had to march through the mountainous wastes of Georgia, then perhaps the Byzantine Empire would have fallen by now.

However, despite this utter lack of defense. Khorijin knew that in less than three months\' time, her brother\'s army would be defeated. That is, unless they could take Constantinople, and bring an end to the Byzantine civilization once and for all during this limited timeframe.

Defeat was not that which plagued the Mongol Princess\'s heart, but rather the fate that awaited herself. The spirits spoke in parables. However, recently, they had been completely silent. All except for one, this particular spirit was the one who warned Khorijin of the fate that awaited her should her brother fail to achieve his war aims. 

Yet, until recently, this fate was rather cryptic. All she knew was that the golden eyed man would devour her. However, as time passed, and the appointed hour became ever closer. This spirit explained in greater detail just how miserable her fate would be.

The more she deciphered the spirit\'s words, the more the Mongol Princess flushed in embarrassment. As her fate revealed itself to be no better than a common whore\'s. To become the mere plaything of a man, that was the ultimate disgrace for a warrior princess. 

While Khorijin was deep in thought, her brother Chagadai approached her. There was a haughty smile on the man\'s face as he boasted about his most recent conquest. 

"With the fall of Ankara, all that lies in our path towards Constantinople is the city of Nicea. I hear that the Byzantines have mustered the remainder of their Army\'s strength within the city\'s walls. It is no matter, we will crush the Romans like we have done thus far. Fear not, little sister, the war is coming to an end, and swiftly too. At the current rate, we will achieve total victory before that time limit of yours has passed."

While Chagadai said this, a German reconnaissance plane flew high above, taking images of the Golden Horde and its massive army. This aircraft, along with several others, had been launched from Cyprus, and was currently monitoring the war between the Byzantine Empire and its three adversaries. 

As for the Golden Horde whose actions were being documented from above, they were not the slightest bit aware of this reality. However, it was at this moment, while the Great Khan of the Golden Horde was boasting of his imminent victory, that the mongol princess heard the words of a spirit who had not spoken to her in some time. 

"The Iron Eagle is watching you. Turn back now, or your fate is sealed."

This was perhaps the first time that the spirits had spoken to the Mongol Princess so directly. The moment she heard these words, it was as if all life left the young woman\'s body. It took her a few moments to react to this warning. Instead, her body immediately trembled, and her eyes gazed into the distance, completely devoid of consciousness. 

Eventually Khorijin regained clarity and quickly looked up into the sky in search of this Iron Eagle, which the spirit spoke of. Yet, to her dismay, she found nothing. The plane was at such a high altitude that she could not see it from her position. Chagadai quickly noticed his little sister\'s weird behavior and questioned why she was acting so strange.

"What\'s wrong? What do you see?"

With a simple shake of her head, Khorijin revealed her thoughts, and the words of the spirits. 

"Nothing... But the spirits say that the Iron Eagle is watching us as we speak. If we don\'t turn back now, our fate is sealed. Brother, I have never heard the spirits speak so directly to me before. This isn\'t just a warning, it\'s our last opportunity to escape with our lives intact. We should flee north and attack the Rus like I initially suggested. If we advance a step further, we will inevitably be defeated and I...."

Khorijin chose to cut her words short, for she did not dare reveal what the spirits had said about her fate should her brother be defeated. Perhaps if she did, the man would take her words more seriously, but to her, it was simply scandalous, and far too embarrassing to say aloud. However, unlike what she expected to happen, Chagadai merely scoffed at her warning and ignored the spirit\'s wisdom.

"To hell with the spirits, we are so close to victory. Constantinople is nearly within our grasp. The war will be over before the deadline the spirits gave you. I don\'t want to hear any more of this nonsense!"

Chagadai had always taken his sister\'s words seriously, or at the very least, he considered them to be a valid possibility. However, now he was openly rejecting the dire warning she received, and Khorjin did not understand why. She was quick to defend the spirits\' words, even if her brother did not want to hear them.

​ "That was then, and this is now. Something has clearly changed. From the warning the spirits gave me, we have already run out of time. I swear to you on my life, dearest brother, if you advance your armies a step further, you will be condemning yourself, and all of your men, to a terrible death, and what remains of your people to a life of servitude. 

As for myself, I would rather die than endure what fate has in store for me. I warned you long ago that should the appointed hour arrive, and you still have not emerged victorious, then I would leave you behind and return to our homeland.  That time is now. You must choose: Follow me back to the lands we have lived in for centuries and turn your ambitions onto the Rus. Or stay here and face your death alone..."

Chagadai was outraged to be given such an ultimatum by his little sister. Though he may be rejecting the spirit\'s wisdom. His warriors revered his sister as their priestess. If she were to speak of her worries to the masses, a large chunk of the army would follow her back to their lands and abandon this war altogether. 

If that were to happen, then his progress would be hampered, and he might even lack the might necessary to take the legendary city of Constantinople. Thus, the Great Khan was forced into an undesirable situation. After several moments of thought, Chagadai bowed his head and sighed before responding to his sister\'s demands.

"Very well. If that is your wish, you are free to leave the army. Under one condition, you do not breathe a word about this matter to anyone. I can\'t have my army abandoning me, now that we are so close to victory."

Khorijin bit her lower lip in displeasure as he heard this condition. She had a duty to her people, and it was her intent to lead as many of them back to safety as possible. However, she knew what her brother would do to her if she refused his demands. Thus, with a heavy heart, the mongol princess nodded her head before expressing her agreement.

"Very well, though I have a duty to our people. I also know what you will do to me if I refuse your offer. I\'m afraid I will have to find my way back home by myself. Come morning, you will not see me again. This is farewell, my dearest brother..."

After saying this, Khorjin snapped the reins of her horse, and rode back to the camp to gather her belongings. While Chagadai gazed upon her back in rage. If the princess were around to hear her brother\'s remark, she would immediately flee for her life, however she was not, and thus only the Khan knew the words he spoke.

"You think that I will just let you pack up and abandon me after everything we have been through together? Oh, my sweet little sister, you are far too naïve. Whether it is victory or death that awaits me at the end of this journey, I\'m afraid you will be by my side until the bitter end!"


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