
Chapter 980 The Fate Of The Golden Horde Part Ll

Shortly after speaking with his son in private, Berengar noticed the arrival of the Turko-Mongol Princess. No longer was she dressed in such simple attire, which was covered in furs. Instead, she wore a fine red and gold dress in the fashion that was popular in Austria. 

The high heels which adorned Khorijin\'s precious feet were a cause for concern, as the woman struggled to walk in them properly. Despite her fumbling about, Berengar\'s eyes could not escape the woman\'s face. The minor amount of makeup which had been applied amplified her beautiful, Asiatic features. 

Alexandros could tell by the look on his father\'s face that he might have just accidentally set the man up with his next lover. He could not help but sigh in defeat as he gazed with envy upon the man who had so many beautiful women by his side. 

Seeing that Khorijin was having a difficult time moving within her new shoes, Berengar rose to his feet, and offered to escort the woman to the table. 

"Please, allow me to assist you..."

Despite his polite tone, Khorijin glared upon the man, expecting him to have arranged this whole thing just so that he could look good in her eyes. Even with this cynical nature, she had to admit she did not want to walk the distance without the support of someone else. Thus, she sighed internally before accepting the man\'s gesture.

Berengar led the Turko-Mongol princess over to her seat, where an empty porcelain plate and some fine silverware were waiting for her. Khorijin was honestly surprised that such valuable substances were being used to eat with. 

When she had finally settled down, the Byzantine Palace\'s kitchen staff brought out some choice dishes, which had been prepared during the woman\'s absence. Despite being treated relatively well during her captivity, it had been a long time since Khorijin had eaten anything besides basic German field rations. Though they tasted better than anything she had ever eaten in her life, she had to admit nothing beat a nice, fresh cooked meal. 

While being overwhelmed by the alluring aroma, Khorijin was still ever vigilant, worrying that perhaps Berengar had drugged her food. When Berengar saw this, he sighed, before ordering for their plates to be switched. It was only after she was eating the meal reserved for the Kaiser that Khorijin began to dig in.  Berengar allowed the woman to eat for some time before surprising her with an interesting bit of information.

"Princess Khorijin, that is your name, isn\'t it? I must say, you are nothing quite like how I imagined you would be. Tell me, now that the Khan is dead, and your people have routed. What are your plans for the future?"

Khorijin debated whether or not she should break her vow of silence within her own mind, while glaring at Berengar in an attempt to get a gauge of his character. Seeing how the woman still did not wish to speak, Berengar sighed before revealing his thoughts to the woman.

"I once had a field agent, erm... I suppose the closest thing your people have to this would be a scout. This man was a father and a loyal husband, but most of all he was a man who served the crown with his entire heart. I had sent him on a classified operation that involved spying on your people, among other clandestine activities. 

In the end, the Golden Horde caught him, and brutally tortured the man until his last breath. Though his body was recovered, where he was buried with full honors, I must admit that I have never been able to properly avenge him. At least not in any capacity that would do his exemplary service justice. 

So Imagine my surprise when your brother, the newest Khan of the Golden Horde, attacked the Byzantine Empire. A nation with which my realm has a military alliance with. I must say, I have your brother to thank for giving me the perfect opportunity to finally put Jürgen Speck\'s spirit to rest. 

It was simple, really. All I needed to do was wait for you all to converge on Constantinople, where I deployed my bombers to wipe them out with a single coordinated strike. Now that Jürgen has been avenged, as well as my soldiers who fought your people in Poland all those years ago, I can say that I have no animosity towards you, or what remains of your horde. 

However, just because I hold no grudges against you does not mean that the Byzantines and Georgians will be so forgiving. They will demand more blood than has already been spilled, as well as compensation for your horrific acts. So, I genuinely want to know, what are your plans?

Will you go back to the lands which your people have roamed for centuries and rebuild your strength? Because I warn you, the world had changed deeply these last few years in a way which you nomads can never compete with. 

Or will you try to settle your lands properly in an attempt to create an actual civilization instead of your society of over-glorified raiding tribesmen? Perhaps you will simply abandon your people to their fate and flee to the east in an attempt to live the remainder of your days peacefully. A noble choice for a princess of a defeated nation, but one I believe will be difficult to achieve..."

Khorijin honestly hadn\'t thought of what she would do after her brother was defeated, and she was captured. She figured her life would essentially be that of a slave. As for her people, they would be on their own. The fact that Berengar was asking these questions made it seem like she had a choice in the matter. Thus, she was finally compelled to break her vow of silence and pose a question to her captor. 

"Am I not your captive? What does it matter what I intend to do?"

Berengar gazed at the women with a questioning look on his handsome face. He made a simple gesture, pointing to the woman\'s wrists, before smiling and speaking in a polite tone.

"Do you feel like a captive? I have freed you from your bondage. You are no longer in a cell, and here you are eating at my table. How is that the life of a captive? Say the word, and I will help you return to your lands safe and sound.  Though I wonder if a life herding sheep is truly what a woman of your caliber deserves..."

Khorijin eyed Berengar with a suspicious gaze. She could not help but ask a second time whether or not she was truly a prisoner.

"I am free to go?"

Berengar maintained his smiling and polite facade as he nodded his head before speaking once more.

"If that is what you desire... Though, I have a counterproposal if you are willing to hear it..."

This statement made Khorijin even more suspicious of the man\'s intentions. But she was certain if she did not hear him out, then he really would take her as a prisoner. Thus, she nodded her head in silence, signalling for the man to continue, which he quickly did. 

"To put it simply, the lands that you already occupy are rich in minerals and resources that you have yet to discover. If you were to build an actual civilization in your lands, it would be a thriving state within the next hundred years. What you need is investment and I can provide that for you.

If we go with this plan, your people who have been rounded up and captured will be freed and deported back to the lands which your tribes occupy. I will make sure both the Kingdom of Georgia and the Byzantine Empire take no reprisals against you or your people, under the condition that you promise to pay them back tenfold in reparations for the damage you have caused. You do not need to repay them immediately, but will be given a span of fifty years to fulfill the terms of our treaty. 

I will allow you to reign as Queen of this mighty Kingdom. After all, your brother left no successors, and all the mighty warriors within your horde are now nothing more than ashes on the steps of Constantinople. With my assistance, I will help you build a wealthy and semi-modern state."

This offer sounded too good to be true, and Khorijin was quick to realize that Berengar left out just what he got out of this deal. Thus, she immediately inquired about this fact.

"And what exactly do you get out of this treaty? You mentioned what I will obtain from it, and what your allies shall receive. Yet, you have not spoken a word about what I will have to pay you in return for your generosity..."

A slight smile carved itself upon Berengar\'s face as he nodded his head before voicing his approval.

"You\'re smart, I figured as much, but it\'s good to see you\'re not some naïve little princess, otherwise my plans will most certainly won\'t come to fruition. I\'ll be honest with you, I will get several things of importance from this treaty.

First, I gain a powerful ally, one who can keep the Caucasus under control for me. Two, I have a new and wealthy trading partner, one who can easily spread my goods across Asia from the trade routes I don\'t currently have access to.

Three, I want exclusive mining rights to the territory which your Kingdom will be founded upon for a fixed period of one hundred years. And finally, the largest demand I will make of you will be that you will carry my child, who will be your sole heir. Though this last point doesn\'t need to happen until you feel comfortable with the idea. I\'m a patient man. I can wait a few years for you to develop feelings for me."

Khorijin did not react with the slightest bit of shock, which honestly surprised Berengar. Instead, she merely scoffed. She knew since she first set eyes upon Berengar that he would "devour her". It was just as the spirits had said.

However, she assumed the man would take her by force and make her his plaything. Instead, he was offering to crown her as a queen, and only enter her bed when she approved of it. Compared to what she initially expected, this was a far more favorable situation. 

The Turko-Mongol Princess also knew that this was likely the only chance her people had for survival. They were already in a dire situation when Chagadai marched the Horde to the Byzantine Empire. Their goal was to permanently settle down and build an empire off the spine of the Romans.

Why would they attempt such a thing? Because they truly believed their lands were a barren wasteland. Yet according to this man, whose knowledge, and might far surpass what Khorijin had ever expected, they were actually rich in natural resources. 

Knowing this, how could Khorijin possibly let her people fade away into the pages of history? After several moments of serious contemplation, she nodded her head and sighed heavily before agreeing to Berengar\'s terms.

"Very well... I accept your terms. If you can really do as you claim, I won\'t mind taking such a capable man as my husband..."

A smile emerged on Berengar\'s lips as he nodded his head with a hint of joy on his face.

"Good, I am glad to see you are as wise as I expected you to be. Please, enjoy your meal, if there is anything you need in the coming days, you need only ask and I shall provide it to you. I\'m afraid I have another meeting that I must attend, so if you will excuse me..."

After saying this, Berengar tidied himself up before departing from the room. Leaving Khorijin alone with Alexandros. There was a curious expression on the boy\'s face, one that immediately drew the Turko-mongol princesses attention. After being stared at for so long, Khorijin spoke in a bit of irritation.

"What is it?"

Alexandros had an innocent expression on his face, one that a boy who had just recently purged his political rivals was not supposed to have. He raised his brow before posing a question that Khorijin thought she would never hear.

"Do I have to call you mommy now?"

The mongol beauty nearly spat out blood when she heard this remark. Instead, she simply choked on the water she was sipping on. Ultimately, after calming herself down, Khorijin did not dignify the childish question with a response, rather she continued to eat her meal in silence. 


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