
Chapter 137 Despair On The Battlefield (1)




Yun Mengxin moved at incredible speed, killing three demon beasts in less than 3 seconds. She managed to kill dozens of demon beasts in an instant, creating a space free of such creatures, trying to recover her breath.

She expanded her spiritual sense and checked her surroundings.

All the martial artists of the Yun family and the Zhang family were being besieged by countless demonic beasts. There seemed to be more than 300 demon beasts


A strong female scream sounded a few meters away from Yun Mengxin, so she turned to look.

A sensual figure danced among the dozens of demon beasts, cutting and piercing in her path with a shining spear.

Zhang Xinya moved at a rapid speed, managing to dodge the various attacks of the demon beasts that lunged at her.

Her spear always twisted and turned in her hands, easily cutting down the demon beasts and even piercing their hard heads, killing them almost instantly.


Zhang Xinya gasped heavily when she stopped as she eliminated the demon beasts that seemed to have no end. Dozens of bodies of demon beasts stood around her, piled up like an enormous mountain.

"Sister, what shall we do? This has gotten out of control and we are completely surrounded and cannot ask the other families for help." Zhang Xinya approached and spoke to Yun Mengxin with a few breaths.

Yun Mengxin kept checking the surroundings with her spiritual sense. She found it odd that suddenly dozens of demon beasts began to swarm around them, when there were barely less than a hundred demon beasts left.

"We have to hold on, I don\'t think the horde of demon beasts won\'t stop." Yun Mengxin answered Zhang Xinya\'s question as she watched all the martial artists who were currently fighting.

It is not that the demon beasts are powerful, but that they outnumber the martial artists in great numbers, so all the teams are being heavily pressured in trying to defend themselves from attacks.

If they wanted to get rid of all these demon beasts, each martial artist would have to face 2 or 3 demon beasts alone, in order to reduce the numbers a little. However, the inner strength of the martial artists in the star city did not show much power, as they were not cultivators and did not use Chi.

Yun Mengxin observed that the martial artists who were below the Fifth Stage of Chi Gathering were fighting in groups of more than 5 to kill a demon beast. This was a correct minimum solution to this mess that was going on.

The ancestors of both families, Yun Song and Zhang Leng, were each fighting a demon beast in the Seventh Stage of Chi Gathering.

Likewise, Yun Dong and Zhang Chao were fighting demon beasts in the Sixth Stage of Chi Gathering.

Yun Mengxin expanded her spiritual sense and focused on the demonic beasts of the Seventh Stage. There were at least 50 demonic beasts. She had been fighting only the demonic beasts between the Sixth and Seventh Stages of Chi Gathering. No doubt, these demon beasts would impose a more fierce aura and make things difficult if they were not eliminated at first.

Zhang Xinya took a long breath before she took an elixir of internal energy recovery and said, "It seems there\'s really no end to it."

Zhang Xinya looked around and saw that the demon beasts were endless. In any gap, demon beasts would appear. Even when a demon beast was killed, it seemed that two demon beasts would appear in its place, increasing the number of the horde.

She also faced demonic beasts in Stage Six of Chi Gathering, managing to kill dozens of them. Although Zhang Xinya was in the Emperor rank, she was still able to kill a little more than 15 demon beasts in the Seventh Stage of Chi Gathering, obviously this would be more difficult for her, but she still emerged victorious with some minor injuries.

Looking at Yun Mengxin\'s body, Zhang Xinya was surprised to discover that she had no wound in her skin, at most she would have parts of her clothes torn off as she tried to dodge the attacks of the claws of the demon beasts.

It only seemed that Yun Mengxin was very tired, as if instead of facing dozens of demon beasts, she was training alone.

This made Zhang Xinya wonder how she could escape the attacks of the demon beasts unscathed with only slight damage to her clothing.

The Legend rank is really powerful.

At the time when Yun Mengxin was going to continue attacking to lessen the pressure on the group, she detected with her spiritual sense that there were beginning to be some gaps and spaces where there were no more demon beasts. She expanded her spiritual sense even more and realized that the demonic beasts were no longer increasing their numbers.

Doing a quick count, Yun Mengxin realized that there were about 600 demon beasts.

"The demon beasts will no longer appear, there are approximately 600!" Yun Mengxin spoke to Zhang Xinya as she moved quickly toward the group of demon beasts in the Seventh Stage of Chi Gathering.

It took Zhang Xinya only a second to understand what Yun Mengxin had said, so her spirit was renewed as she heard Yun Mengxin say that there seemed to be an end to the endless demon horde.

Zhang Xinya had no doubt about Yun Mengxin, for ever since they began fighting the demon horde, Yun Mengxin would always report the correct number of demon beasts and their range of power. Zhang Xinya did not know how her sister would know this, but she was certain that Yun Mengxin had some method of finding out.

Approaching her grandfather quickly, Zhang Xinya spoke quickly: "Grandfather! Sister Mengxin mentions that the demon beasts will no longer appear! Only about 600 demon beasts remain!"

Zhang Xinya did not wait for Zhang Leng\'s response and headed for a group of demon beasts near Yun Mengxin so that she could ease the pressure on her a bit.

Zhang Leng likewise trusted what Yun Mengxin said, so he shouted loudly, echoing on the battlefield: "Listen! The horde is already coming to an end! There are less than 600 demon beasts left! We can get out of this!"

Zhang Leng faced a group of demon beasts again.

When the martial artists who were giving up because they could not see an end to this endless battle heard what Zhang Leng said, they put aside their hesitations while their spirits were renewed.

If there were less than 600 demon beasts left, then they could win and come out alive!

The fighting fire lit up on the battlefield as they wielded their weapons with more force, beginning to stabilize the balance in their favor.

Yun Mengxin accelerated her strength and began killing the demon beasts faster.

The number of demon beasts slowly reduced, managing to reclaim space so that all could move more freely. The pressure started to decrease on the martial artists.

Zhang Xinya did not fall behind, carrying the spear and cutting everything in her path.

Once the demon beasts in the Seventh Stage began to diminish drastically, the two ancestors began to help the other martial artists and quickly began to reduce the number of the horde.

There were only less than 100 demon beasts left.

The martial artists were stunned to see that both Yun Mengxin and Zhang Xinya easily killed the demon beasts in the King rank. They could no longer participate because they were weaker than the remaining demon beasts.

Men couldn\'t help but fall in love with these two Goddesses even more.

Both ancestors joined the two women to easily finish off the remaining demon beasts.


At the moment when less than 50 demonic beasts remained, a piercing and horrible roar was heard all over the battlefield.

Yun Mengxin was surprised when a fierce aura fell upon her and slowed her movements.

Observing with her spiritual sense, she became aware of a demon beast that ran from afar, killing the demon beasts easily as it passed over them.

Yun Mengxin recognized this demon beast from Ling Tian\'s memories.

It was a Drake, a descendant of the dragon lineage. This one had two tails and huge claws. Its whole body was full of big spikes.

The Drake was in the 9th stage of Chi Gathering, a higher stage than Yun Mengxin.

The Drake easily killed the demon beasts in its range as it looked at Yun Mengxin.

There were no other demon beasts left besides the Drake.

Now, there was only Yun Mengxin and the Drake, several meters away.

Yun Mengxin quickly took a recovery pill to regain her previously spent Chi.

Zhang Xinya was behind Yun Mengxin by several meters, but she could not advance easily.

The aura that covered Yun Mengxin, Zhang Xinya felt it too. She found it difficult to move.

The other martial artists were filled with fear as they felt the aura of this unknown demon beast.

The Drake roared fiercely and moved toward Yun Mengxin at a rapid pace.

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