
Chapter 1826 Living Storm III

Chapter 1826 Living Storm III

[A Greater God of Wind Notus has influenced the storm with his powers.]

[The Lava Storm has gained sentience to be called a Living Storm.]

Adrian could only click his tongue as he did not expect that the god of wind that was observing them would interfere this way. He thought that they would just happily be watched as the storms get devoured by Kimat but it seems that they have another definition of fun. The gods of wind that were watching were not that many, but they were a handful. It was only one greater god that made direct interference though as if he is not satisfied with what he is watching.

Adrian already knows what the favorite sport of the gods and that is watching mortals go on with their lives. They view mortals from their divine realm and somewhat interfere to make their boring lives a little bit more exciting. Mortals would sometimes call this as blessing but to most that know what it really is would call it annoying.

[The Great God of Wind Notus is challenging you to defeat his Living Storm that he has created.]

[Should you be able to defeat it, he will bestow you a gift that you will want.]

Adrian\'s eyebrows were raised at the sudden challenge issued to him by the Greater God Notus. At the very least, he was able to know the name of the wind god that created direct interference. Adrian is somewhat glad that something like this happened, but he is not here to destroy storms as Kimat needs to devour them.

[The Great God of Wind Boreas saw that the Great God of Wind Notus was doing something exciting and decided to join in on the fun.]

[The Great God of Wind Boreas summoned his own Living Storm.]

Adrian almost spit out blood and cursed at the god of winds for what they were doing. The living storm that was created by the Great God of Wind Notus was difficult enough, but another is now added to the mix. The heat that the Living Lava Storm started to get dialed down as another storm that has cold winds were brewing.

[The Blizzard Storm has been created by the Great God of Wind Boreas has become a living storm.]

[All beings must be wary of the Living Storms as they are a primal force of nature that has only one job and that is returning the world to its origin.]

[The Great God of Wind Boreas is rooting for you to also defeat the Living Storm that it has created. He says that he will also reward you if you are able to defeat it.]

The Living Blizzard Storm has an eye made of swirling ice shards, but it was as menacing as the Living Lava Storm. Adrian did not know what to do first because he is not supposed to destroy the storms. He was meant to use them to power up Kimat but doing that would be difficult with what is currently happening.

[The Greater God of Wind Notus started to fight with the Greater God of Wind Boreas on who has created the more powerful living storm.]

"Seriously! This is why I do not like the nature gods because they always move on a whim." Adrian thought to himself as he might be heard if he says it out loud.

Adrian is no longer just fighting a normal natural phenomenon but a natural monster phenomenon. The storms earlier did not have any description to them as they were not monsters but now, they have it. Adrian did not know if the living storms will still count as an objective if Kimat devours it, but they cannot get away.


Monster Name: Living Lava Storm

Monster Level: 299

Monster Type: Natural Disaster

Monster Tier: Legendary

Description: A lava storm that was originally created by the Great God of Wind Notus because he was bored and wanted to play with heat. He suddenly noticed a challenger that destroyed the previous storms that the gods of wind created and wanted to pose a challenge. It has gained sentience to know who wants to do it harm and destroy it.


Monster Name: Living Blizzard Storm

Monster Level: 299

Monster Type: Natural Disaster

Monster Tier: Legendary

Description: A blizzard storm that was summoned by the Great God of Wind Boreas as he found something interesting. He then made it a living storm after seeing what the Great God of Wind Notus did. It has a fierce personality due to awakening its sentience abruptly upon its creation.


"Master! They have blocked all the exits with their great gaseous body." Kimat stated as the Living Lava Storm was at their left while the Living Blizzard Storm was at their right.

"There is no way out which means all we can do is fight. Make sure to absorb the storm that you can first as we will protect you while also dealing with the remaining one. Aether Domain! Aetheros True Form!" Adrian shouted as the area that was chaotic due to the flames and ice getting scattered were introduced with a sparkling particle.

"Limit Break: Summoner!"

"Greater Summon: Sirius!"

"Greater Summon: Kanlaon!"

"Greater Summon: Saena!"

"Greater Summon: Charon!"

"Greater Summon: Dodu!"

"Greater Summon: Kimat!"

"Greater Summon: Wisteria!"

Adrian summoned all the soulbounds that could fight as he knew that he would need them all. He also used his domain to enhance all their abilities with priority of the defense. As if the gods of wind were reacting greatly, the area that they were in suddenly had some unexpected breezes that flowed. They were all watching the sudden fight that is happening as they know who the challenger is.

Kimat immediately dove towards the Living Lava Storm as he is blessed by Kanlaon using a spell called Stable Temperature. It is a spell that Adrian told Kanlaon to learn as it is a useful spell that negates the effects of the surrounding by 50%. If it is hot, then it would feel cool and vice versa. It should be helpful to Kimat but the heat that the Living Lava Storm emitted is not the only problem.

Kimat is also being scorched despite the spell as it is not just heat being carried by the winds of the Living Lava Storm. Thankfully for Adrian, the moment that the two natural disasters became monsters meant that they now have health bars. Charon immediately chained the two Living Storms, but it is only magically where he can siphon health as they do not have any mana.

Kimat had to swallow the pain of the heat while the damage is negated by Charon\'s shields. Sirius would enter the shadows and flick off any large stones that comes in the way so that Kimat will not get distracted. Saena would heal them all and also slightly recover their stamina to make sure that the team holds on.

Dodu and Wisteria were with Adrian as they needed to think of a way to stop it from moving. The Living Lava Storm was focused on Kimat as he started absorbing parts of its core. The Living Blizzard Storm, on the other hand, was shooting out freezing winds and ice wind shard blades on all directions. Wisteria would match the ice wind blades with her blast of leaves to at least counter or weaken the attack.

Dodu would extend its body to try and devour the freezing winds, but parts of its body started to become frozen. Thankfully, Dodu could just devour that part of its body to dissolve it which makes the damage almost negligible. Adrian would use the Aether Dust that he has spread and create solid shields with it.

This is another trick that Adrian was able to learn after training with his Aetheros True Form and Aether Domain. He always thought that the Aether Dust was just a by-product that he can guide like wind to enhance the regeneration and defenses of his allies, but he was only scratching the surface. Aether Dust could actually be collected in small groups to create shields made of it which is as durable as steel.

Adrian would create small shields which will block the bigger ice shards from reaching all of them. If one thing gets in the way, then they would definitely get wiped out as the two living storms could just hurl everything at them without any cooldown.

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