
Chapter 127: What Happened?

Chapter 127: What Happened?

“So you’ve been consolidating your blood core all this time. That explains it. I wondered why you weren’t replying to our messages.” Garion said after listening to him.

“Yeah, it was a critical moment. If I broke my concentration, the blood-qi wouldn’t be properly allocated. By the way, do you have any idea about other intelligent species besides humans and vampires?” Keith asked cautiously.

“Not that I know of. Some high level beasts do show similar intelligence to humans, but they are just a handful. Others don’t have the mental capability to think abstractly,”Garion replied.

“Nevermind. It was a stupid question. Vampires are the pinnacle of life in the continent and that’s the absolute truth. If there were any intelligent beings besides us, the council would have told us so.” Keith said with a calm yet rigid voice.

“I don’t think about that stuff. I guess it’s related to your summoning department. I am a blood warrior so I barely put my mind to things other than blood-qi techniques. The way of the warrior is the only focus in my life.

Looking at Garion, Keith could see that he was an honest and straightforward person, but ruthless when needed. It was a perfect combination for a warrior and as a soldier. If Keith could cultivate his potential, in the future he would become an invaluable asset.

The system was contemplating the future when suddenly, Keith’s voice was heard from within.

‘System can you hear me?’ 

[ You got out of the Primordial subconscious? How did you get away from the draconic instinct?] The system asked in bewilderment.

‘I didn’t. This shit is getting on my nerves. That dragon wanted me to prove myself to the draconic genes. Hah! It was so exhausting. Wait a minute? Where are you now? What about the cave and the ghouls?’

[ Wait, you have a lot of things to catch up to.]

“I’ll go now. You practice here and tell Sen what I told you. Remember the plan.” Keith said while walking away.

He got out of the training chamber and looked at the viscount training chamber. It was adjacent to the baron class training chamber. In a hurry, he entered the chamber and found himself a quiet place in the corner of the room. 

The room was almost empty and. Only two or three viscounts were occupying spots  on the other side. Blood-qi within the chamber was very rich, many times more than the baron chamber.

Keith sat down and continued conversing with Kieth about the events that transpired on that day. The original mind of Keith entered the conscious mind and took control of his mental projection. The body woke up from the bed within his conscious mind and the system was watching him with awe.

“What are you looking at?” Kieth asked.

“I was hoping for some alone time and finally my long awaited freedom, but you got out of the subconscious so quickly.” The system said.

“Are you sad that I got out? What a terrible way to greet your master. Hah! Kneel!” Keith commanded as he looked at the system’s humanoid body. There were no facial features, just a halo of light with hands and legs and long hair that  floated in the air almost reaching its feet.


“You must’ve been really happy, weren’t you? Taking advantage of my absence and controlling my body. But it looks like it was not productive at all. You did some good things. My blood core finally broke through the viscount stage; the warrior frame leveled up to the count stage too. Well done!”

Keith let go of the pressure. The system got back up and reverted back to its original form, that of a two dimensional screen.

“It was rough, the dragon really scared the shit out of me. I thought for a moment when it swallowed me, that this was the end. I couldn;t even survive a year in this world. But soon I found out that The stomach of the dragon was a sealed space with its full authority.

“It asked me..” 


[Asked you what?] The system inquired curiously.

“See for yourself.”

Keith shared a memory of him falling through the void after getting eaten by the dragon. He fell for several minutes and stopped abruptly in an empty space. There was nothing visible in the surroundings. Only the pitch black nothingness. 

<Who are you?> A deep voice asked.

It was an echo that repeated hundreds of times before the silence fell.

“I’m… Keith. Keith Ennes.” He said with a nervous expression.

<Lies! You are not Kieth. I have known him since he was born. You are a foreigh soul controlling his body.> The voice declared.

“So what? I’m Keith now, it doesn’t matter who I was or who he was. I share his memories and intentions. He died that day when Marvin pierced his stomach. His mind was weak and couldn’t even hold on to his body. Where were you then? Why didn’t you help him? You understand that his faulty physique was because of you.” Keith snapped back.

<You are different, but I can sense the lingering intent of the previous Keith in you. Hahaha! I get it now. He probbaly found your soul drifting in the void and gave you his body.>Th voice said while laughing.

“Why do you say that? I don’t remember such an event.” Keith was taken aback.

The first memory of Keith was when he opened his eyes for the first time and Grandpa Lex sitting beside him. He couldn’t remeber a single thing before that except fot the horrible death he experienced in his woeld.

“Damn that system. Burned my body to the crisp.” He cursed the system for putting him through so much trouble.

<It’s precisely what Im saying. I was present when it happened. I witnessed your soul enter the periphery of te body. The keith from before found your wisp and gave up his life. He was ashamed of his existance in the familay as eveyone looked down on him. Do you know why you have the unconditinal affection towards your maid whom you never met before. 

<You don’t have that feeling towrds your grandfather or any of the family members even though you met them the same day. You can’t justify the memories giving you the sense of closeness as they don’t have any emotional element to the when being transfered, Unless the intentions and experiences went along with it.>

< He gave up on his life and let you control his destiny for him. What a coward?>


Keith flared up with rage. The response was almost instantaneos.

<See! He would never fo that. But you reacted on his behalf. Can’t you see you ingerited his will and intentions.> The voie mocked Keith again.

“So what? That doesn’t make me any less.. Me. I still have all my memoires of my past and I know who I am.” Keith shouted in rage.

<Really? Let me give you an example so you can understand it clearly.>

<Imagine you are a child and all you have are the happy memories of yourlself. Then imagine the older you with all the vile and terrible emotions and memories. The embarasing moments and the humiliating encounters. Are the two of you the same even thoug you share the same body.?

< People think they stay the same throughout theit life, but if they look back they realoze they turned into a comletely diffent person, with difeent life, diffent ambitions and diffent relationships. All because they found new memories. It’s debatable where those memories cam from >

****Read my new Story: Check my profile( This part will be edited in an hour.***

When you think about dreams, what comes into your mind?

A hazy memory filled with all the terrors or the deepest secrets of you, often forgotten because of their obscurity.

In the Ruined world where people are fighting for resources in the real world 

And building worlds inside the Dreamscape.

Can Leon, the fallen Ruin King, rise to his previous glory after he was sent to the future by a fragment of Calamity?

Join the journey of Leon as he reaches the pinnacle of the Ruined world as well as the Dreamscape.

“Sir! I have bad news.” 

A knight wearing flashy red armour walked up to a man sitting on the biggest chair that looked like a throne.

“What is it?” The man asked in a heavy voice.

“We’ve lost out 16th brigade and our southern tower has fallen to the hands of the enemy.


The man hit his armrest with so much power that it cracked. It didn’t break so easily because it was made from one of the strongest metal known to man. Sitting on top of it was the leader of the Divine alliance.

Murmur! Murmur!

Ten people sat in exquisite chairs embroiled in several gems that faced the grand throne where the man sat, overlooking them with his sharp eyes. Thy also heard the news about the fall of the southern tower. It was an important stronghold for the divine alliance.

“Ruin King, that bastard! I will not let him do as he please” he declared with a shaking voice seething with anger.


In the southern side of the Divine alliance territory, a man with silver hair was floating above a castle that was in ruins. Quite synonymous with the name of the man overlooking it.

It was the man who struck fear in all the ruined world. He came from nowhere and in a span of ten years, he conquered half of the territory in the ruined world. Who was this mysterious man? Nobody knew, but there were theories that he was from a noble family and sold his soul to the devil. The truth was…

“Naira, Don’t play around and round up the captured soldiers. We are behind the schedule.” 

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