
Chapter 718 - Becoming the Guests of Honor

Chapter 718: Becoming the Guests of Honor

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

With Lou Cheng’s insane hearing ability, it didn’t take him any extra effort to hear He Zi and Yan Xiaoling’s conversation clearly. He almost let out a laugh.

Some people are walking jokers, and some are walking jokes...

He nodded, his face not giving anything away. “I’ll review the email and think of a proper reply.”

“Thanks, Senior,” smiled He Zi.

When he got back to his room, Lou Cheng put the email matter aside and sent a text to Yan Zheke.

“What did you make of your brother’s words?”

Her reply came quickly, with a “chin resting on hands” emoji.

“Um... He’s probably found a new goal. Back then, he used to train in martial arts like crazy. He was intent on realizing Uncle’s unfulfilled dream of leading Songcheng Uni Martial Arts Club to the championship. For that, he was willing to go to any length.”

“After achieving that goal, he might have lacked motivation. At least, that’s what I think... After all, no one throws themselves into practicing martial arts for the sole purpose of getting stronger. Even if such people existed, they would need some sort of...stimulus.”

She sent a block of text, so it was only wise for Lou Cheng to agree.

“You’re right. The Dragon King’s objective is pure, but he too needed a stimulus. That was for the Warrior Sage to reach his current level.”

“My cousin has probably found a new life purpose in the war-torn zones. Or at least that’s what I think. [nods slowly]” said Yan Zheke.

“That’s good news,” said Lou Cheng, heaving a sigh of relief as his mind went to the past. “If your cousin uses this opportunity to make the great leap, then he won’t be in too much danger, even in the war-torn zones.”

“...As someone known as the God of Disaster and Calamity, you aren’t really qualified to say that. [blank stare]” said Yan Zheke.

To this, Lou Cheng could only sigh.


At 11am the next day, the rides arranged by the committee punctually arrived at the hotel entrance. Lou Cheng had the privilege of having an entire car to himself, which may or may not have been intentional.

The party was to be held at the historic Twilight Hotel and included a buffet. The moment he stepped into the hall, Lou Cheng saw the president of University Martial Arts Union, the elderly Mr. Fang Jinyu. He also saw the principal of Songcheng University, his master’s friend Mr. Dong, a man whose full name remained unknown to him. Apart from them were the mayor and a few other important figures.

“Haha! Here comes the model student of your university,” said the mayor to Principal Dong, pointing at Lou Cheng.

Lou Cheng and his lot went forward and greeted them in unison. “Good morning Principal Dong.”

After that, they greeted Mr. Fang and the others. No matter what, politeness was essential.

After exchanging platitudes, Principal Dong looked at Lou Cheng and laughed.

“Your master often told me he was going to educate you by giving you setbacks and putting you through hell. Seems to me like his plans never succeeded.”

What the...to think my master had such sinister intents, thought Lou Cheng, surprised and amused.

However, he didn’t let these emotions override his smile.

“That’s not entirely true, Principal Dong. My crucial turning point did stem from a setback,” said Lou Cheng, defending his Master’s image.

Principal Dong nodded, smiling.

“Jianguo has gotten himself a good disciple.”

Somewhere in Moshang City, Geezer Shi was enjoying his wine as he listened to a play.

Suddenly, he heard a line that went:

“The worst in life...to keep bad company, to have an unfilial disciple...”

Tsk, Geezer Shi clicked his tongue.

Couldn’t have put it better myself, he thought.

Lou Cheng chatted idly with Principal Dong and the other seniors on the subject of his master. Without realizing, they had formed a circle, occasionally taking drinks and snacks proffered by passing waiters.

“I’m going to go get something to eat,” said Lou Cheng, hearing the soft growl of his tummy. Smiling, he retreated from the circle.

He then realized that his friends were all occupied. Some stuffed their faces, some chatted with their acquaintances who were association managers, coaches, and teachers from other universities, and some chit-chatted with other guests and contestants. Everyone had their own circle.

Everyone but Lin Que. Plate in hand, he stood at the edge of the balcony, the door shut behind him. In this boisterous place, he had segregated a spot of quiet serenity.

“As expected from a man who stays true to himself, regardless of his environment,” laughed Lou Cheng. He carelessly added food to his plate, planning to join his cousin-in-law for a chat about the war-torn zones on the balcony after he filled his plate.

Just as he was going to add more, he saw a familiar silhouette. It was Shu Rui, the reporter, dressed in a nightgown that offered a view of her milky shoulders.

“What a coincidence,” said Lou Cheng casually.

“I wouldn’t call it a coincidence, since I rushed here all the way from Huahai. In fact, I had Xiaoling forward an email to you beforehand.”

“You aren’t based in Songcheng anymore?” said Lou Cheng, surprised.

From what she said, that seemed to be the case.

Shu Rui wrinkled her nose.

“Yeah. I ended up going there on a whim. Huahai TV is nationally acclaimed, after all!”

Their acquaintanceship wasn’t at the level of a heart-to-heart talk, so Lou Cheng didn’t probe further.

“I read your proposal for the new show. It’s pretty interesting. But are you sure I’m the right person for this?” he said.

The show Shu Rui had proposed was “A Day with a Physical Invulnerability Expert,” which wasn’t going to be limited to fights and interviews, but would also explore the daily lives of Mighty Ones.

To most people, this was an interesting and curiosity-piquing subject. Just like how farmers in olden times wondered about the life of an Emperor, snack-munching audiences would be able to embellish their Physical Invulnerability daydreams with the details from this show.

“Why would you say that? I think you’re great! You had the air of a general even during our first interview!” said Shu Rui uncomprehendingly, furrowing her brows slightly.

“Um. What I mean is, my daily life is rather boring,” said Lou Cheng. It was an honest, if self-deprecating, answer.

“Nah, trust me. Nowadays, people’s lives are so hollow they would watch others eat and sleep. Imagine how they’ll respond to the life of a Physical Invulnerability Expert! No matter how boring, people will still watch it,” said Shu Rui confidently, shaking her hand.

Then, with a sincere expression, she said,

“For the first season, I’m planning on inviting ten Physical Invulnerability Experts. Even though our TV station has some resources, I’m afraid that the other Mighty Ones might not find me trustworthy and will turn down the offer. If you could start the ball rolling, then they’ll think, ‘Oh, so Lou Cheng’s in on this too’. Then they won’t be so against the idea anymore.”

Lou Cheng pondered for a moment.

“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. You can contact the Longhu External Affairs Team and ask for my assistant.”

“Okay!” nodded Shu Rui excitedly. She then gave a mesmerizing smile. “Mhm...’Ask for my assistant’, huh? Aren’t you the big fish now?”

Lou Cheng let out a chuckle. Pointing to the balcony, he said,

“I have something to attend to, do excuse me.”

Looking in the direction he pointed in, Shu Rui smiled faintly.


When Lou Cheng had turned around, she peered at the balcony on her tip-toes.

“So, the Conversation Killer’s here too?” she mused to herself.


7pm. Opening Ceremony, Inter-University Martial Arts Nationals.

When President Fang and Principal Dong had given their speeches, the host drew a breath and raised her voice.

“And now, let us put our hands together for a group of heavyweight VIPs.”

“I present to you...”

Her words were drowned out by the thunderous volume of the audience.

“Lou Cheng!”

Following which, people chanted,

“Lin Que!”

The audience shouted their names one after the other, exactly how the host had introduced the roster.

“Songcheng Uni! Songcheng Uni!” they shouted at last. “Champions! Champions!”

Backstage, Lou Cheng and the others were overcome with emotion, as though they had returned to the days when their blood boiled with passion. Even their bodies were shaking slightly.

“Looks like they haven’t forgotten about us...” said Xiao Ming, pretending to be unaffected.

“Happy? Touched?” asked Lou Cheng, amused.

Cai Zongming was silent for a few seconds. Forfeiting his calm facade, he took a deep breath.


When he said that, the others’ eyes reddened. Softly, they chanted along.

“Songcheng Uni! Songcheng Uni!”

“Champions! Champions!”


Keeping his emotions contained, Lou Cheng glanced at his cousin-in-law, who had already turned his face away.

They marched out in a file, welcomed by even louder cheers when they were on the stage.

When the audience calmed down, the host smiled brightly.

“They are the legends of the Inter-University Martial Arts Nationals, the team which took only two years to go from rock-bottom to renowned champions!”

“And now, the legacy continues among them, with one of them now a Physical Invulnerability Expert, and perhaps more to come in the future!”

“They were the champions three years ago. They are the pride of Songcheng University, and the pride of Songcheng! I hereby present to you, the full roster of Songcheng University Martial Arts Club!”

In the residual chants of “Champions! Champions!” the host walked to Lou Cheng and smiled.

“I’m going to interview everyone, one at a time.”

“Lou Cheng, you are one of the most successful ones to grace the Inter-University Martial Arts scene, the idol and role model of many. Is there anything you would like to say to your lovely juniors?”

Taking the microphone, Lou Cheng reminisced for a moment.

“On the path of martial arts, luck is as important as hard work.”

“First off, I’m not trying to pour cold water on all of you. What I’m about to tell you are just facts of the martial arts industry.”

“On the path of martial arts, without good guidance, consistent hard work, and a decent set of techniques, only one or two out of ten have a chance at getting to professional ninth-pin. Even then, many don’t make it in the end. With an amateur pin certificate, they might have better chances of getting jobs and having stable lives, but there isn’t much more to it.”

“Professional ninth-pin is the point where you will truly feel like a martial artist, the stage where you can show off your charm before your crushes. Your income will reach middle-class level. However, there is limited room for growth, unless you make it to Dan Stage.”

“From professional ninth-pin to Dan Stage, even if you inherit good techniques, only one or two out of ten will make it. Beyond that, Inhuman is another bottleneck, and the number of people who eventually make the great leap is merely a handful.”

“And that’s about it. If you really want to walk down this path, then it’s best for you to know that you will likely end up as a low amateur pin. If your education fails to reach a certain standard, your future will be limited to a small city. It’s a lot less rosy than what you might expect.”

“Alright, I’ve said enough, so here’s one last thing. If you make a decision solely based on passion, I call it imprudence, not courage. A true warrior, a true martial artist, is a person who follows their dreams unwaveringly after thinking through the risks and difficulties.”

“That’s what I wanted to tell you.”

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