
Chapter 456 - Crossing The Boundaries?


I just can… cross dimensions I guess.

Yeah, what about the effort of getting into this point and all?

All thrown down the drain.

I mean, I still put a lot of effort, I\'ve fought a lot and suffered a fair bit as well.

If I had a flesh body I would have surely cried tears, bleed blood, and all of that stuff.

Well, yeah, no.

Anyways, what\'s up with this? How do I even use it?

Do I just wish to go back to Earth?

As if answering my questions, the skill effect activates, and I suddenly fall from my bed… somewhere else.


Where am I?

I look around everywhere but there\'s only darkness.

My sight senses begin to adjust around me, as I can notice… things within this darkness.

I can see an endless stacked amount of layers pretty much everywhere.

It\'s as if all of this darkness was made of layers.

But where am I?

"Samsara System, can you help me?"

"This is the power of Breaker of Boundaries, you can freely trespass boundaries that close dimensions, worlds, and more. As someone that doesn\'t have a flesh body like you, you are mostly unaffected by everything. However, someone with physical bodies such as Ervas would most likely need oxygen, and the temperatures here would freeze his body quickly. Also, you have entered an area named Spatial Layers. These layers you see are Spatial Layers, they connect this world with many other spaces across the universe… I think," said the Samsara System.

"Having you around is very useful! You just know everything!"

"Not really, I only know what the System originally knew. I suggest you go back to Kritias, you can\'t enter other worlds without having an Origin of that world, or you would be deemed as an invader and suppressed by the world\'s Laws, and if you enter an outer void space, you will last an eternity there before finding somewhere to be, you lack the means to travel fast through space… And if you go too far, you might even lose your way and not be able to go back to Kritias…"

"Oh okay, I guess it is not so overpowered if I need so many things for this to actually work properly…"

I quickly deactivated the skill as I appeared over the bed as if nothing.

Now then, that was quite something.

I guess I cannot go anywhere I want without proper means to guide myself through this entirety of the cosmos, and I also need some way to enter other worlds without being suppressed by their laws.

And what about going back home? Can I go back there? Maybe I still have the origin of that world?

"Although you can travel faster through Alternate-Dimension Travel, you need a faster way to move, or you would have to spend billions of years to reach the planet," said the System.

Oh… I guess I need some way to create wormholes or something to instantly go somewhere else.

Until then, I am stuck in Kritias yet… right?

"Indeed. Though through my powers, it could be possible to instantly send your soul to other worlds… you would need to die for that."

To die?! Is there any other way?

"No. Until you acquire the power to modify my mainframe and revoke this requirement, it\'s impossible. And even then, without being connected to Hekaton\'s powers, I would require tremendous amounts of energy to let you do world-hopping…"

I see, I see. I shouldn\'t have even asked then…

Well, that\'s that.

However, aside from this disappointment, Breaker of Boundaries seem to also help in infiltering places, such as… Divine Realms!

Yeah, now I just need to find where they might be and I could even go knock right into the door of a Demon God, how wonderful.

Additionally, I tried out Alternate-Dimension Travel and it worked pretty amazingly, it was literally as if I entered some kind of spatial tunnel where I could go anywhere through this different space and not be detected.

Of course, I can\'t see anything, but I can kind of instinctively guide myself through it thanks to Breaker of Boundaries.

But I believe I might need to practice this a bit more, of course.

Maybe a lot…

Anyways, aside from all of this wacky stuff, I should really change Jobs, shouldn\'t I?

Wait, now I am wondering something else…

"Are you going to ask me every single thing you wonder now?"

Hey, now that you can talk I might as well…

"I suppose it is quite obvious to have curiosity over such things that often seem unbelievable, so it is fine."

Anyways, I was wondering how does the Job changing stuff works? Why can I take old Jobs and max them out so quickly?

"That\'s because of your over accumulated experience over that old Job\'s specific field. Alongside actual Experience Points, you had stored for Jobs, which I let you utilize right away sometimes. Unlike Ranks, Jobs increase their level by doing what the Jobs is all about, so it is easier to level it up to max if you already are very good in what the Job originally had as the standard that it wanted you to reach before reaching max level… For example, a Tailor Job will reach max level if you can already create fine clothes with ease, and so on."

Oh, that\'s quite enlightening, Samsara System is always there to help, I suppose.

Alright then, time to check my available Jobs after evolving and all of that.

Although I am quite dead-set to get the Death Goddess Job at the end, for now, let\'s pick a few old Jobs though.

[Jobs Available]

[Accursed Phantasmagoric Flying Train], [Abhorred Manipulator and Devourer of Emotions], [Pseudo Light Attribute Mage], [Gluttonous Material Devourer], [Dungeon Creator], [Essence Absorber], [Nyx], [Chaos Attribute Mage], [Otherworldly Mechanical Organism], [Unliving Mechanical Factory], [Death Goddess], [Abyssal Curse Caster of Occultism], [Divine Light Soul Valkyrie], [Qliphoth] (New!), [Abyssal Shadow Monarch] (New!), [Legendary Mechanic] (New!), [Dimensional Traveler] (New!), [Hecate] (New!)

One, two, three, four, five!

Five new Jobs…

And they are all looking quite fresh.

And… eh? Some Jobs are missing.

I suppose those were replaced or "upgraded" by the new ones, so old Jobs won\'t stay forever now, they will simply upgrade if enough time passes by?

Hm… That\'s kind of both good and bad, I guess?

And these new Jobs look appealing.

Qliphoth… I am sure that one sounds eerie.

But it is the Tree of Death, an opposite of the Tree of Life, I think.

I think it was something related to… the Jews? I don\'t remember.

Thing is, it was similar to the Tree Of Life, and it harbored sins and evil… which were like worlds.

So maybe, like Yggdrasil, it has worlds?

Wait, will this Job give me the ability to have 8 more spaces inside my soul? That would be way too good…

It would also be nice if one of them didn\'t look so dark…

But maybe if they are all about evil, they might end up looking even worse.

Hmm, what a pain…

Well, I will pick the Train Job first.

To think that I have a Train Job… This is a bit stupid but cool at the same time.

Is this due to my Veronica\'s Express? Come on, System, you didn\'t have to take it too seriously!

Well, whatever…


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