
Chapter 242

I was now alone, separated from Ferris and the others. I have easily slipped past the barricade without causing a ruckus by using <Nightcrawler> to eliminate my presence.

After running for a while, I turned off onto an empty street.

I actually got a hunch when I saw that goofy crab monster, then I remembered Abigail told me that Yasmin has a lab in November. I have a feeling that’s where she’s headed first if anything happens. I should probably start it from there.

Even if Yasmin wasn’t there, I don’t think she would ever leave 88. She is an alien after all. Losing Penrose, her collaborator and protector, would be a great loss for her. I think she will try to resist to the last possible moment here in her own little paradise called 88.

As I was running thinking about this and that, I suddenly felt a cold murderous intent, as if a knife had been pressed against my artery.

I kicked the ground.

After I threw myself to the side, I saw a white blade flash and cut through the air.

“–Fumu, ◇&◇&◇◇▼ 〒∂∂§Gevaudan.”

A emerged from a dark shadow and took the shape of a human figure after calling my name.

A signature cloak, the hood, and the skeleton mask.


–I thought we are buddies?

But I can’t communicate with him telepathically. I have no choice but to try the alien language I learned.

“Together. fight?”

I said, and Papameyan stopped with his mouth gaping open……It’s embarrassing, please say something.

But it only lasted for a moment, and he immediately nodded several times with a “kak-kak-kak-kak” laugh.

“Ally, huh? So §§§▲★◇#、&▼△mission〒◇★■#△○☆■〆〒。Now subhuman ☆■〆〒#、△〒△○※☆goal■〆〒#△〒△○※◇★△☆○〓#△”


I raised my hands and shrugged. Telling him that I have no idea.

I can’t handle such a long sentence.


Then he scratched his head in annoyance, pointed to himself, then to me, and listed off the words, speaking one word at a time.

“I, Kill, You, Mission”

I understad now. I gave him a thumbs up.

Once 88 has been infiltrated, I am no longer of any use to him.

“Me, Served, My, Purpose?”


Surprisingly, Papameyan looked troubled (what an expressive mask!) and suddenly pulled out a stone from his waist pouch and tossed it to me.

I know this one. It’s the Windtalker’s magic crystal, right?

『I wanted to have a chat with you before I took care of you. Dantalion always said you were interesting, and indeed. You’re certainly an interesting fellow.』

『Aren’t you a mighty great warrior? How cowardly of you to pretend to be an ally and attack me. That’s lame.』

『How offending. I have not deceived you. It was Faymbaum who allied with you. We, the Highland Zephyrs, are under the control of the Demon King. My mission is to eliminate Butcher and Titania.』

『So, you’ll get along with me if necessary, but you’ll kill me anytime you see an opportunity.』

『To put it simply, yeah.』

『Does that mean Faymbaum won’t care if I kill you right here at this moment?』

I said, and the corner of Papamayan’s mouth turned up. Again, I have to question, is that really a mask?

I lightly lean back and look at the masked guy squarely in the face.

He holds a circular shield in front of his body and looks at me from behind it.

The shield has an unusual design. It looks like chrysanthemums. Countless white, elongated pedals are aligned from the center outward. At the center was a yellow jewel-like object. It was a work of art that exuded an air of high class.

Slowly…….we closed the distance between us without saying a word.


『Gevaudan! Beware of that shield! His main weapon is the shield!!』

With a flap of her wings, Arshella swooped down from the cramped sky of the Fort. In her hand was a wriggling sandbag.

『That shield is called <Edelweiss>, it’s a magical artifact with terrifying power! Don’t go near it!』

『Hey, why are you telling him!?』

Papameyan protested.

『It was you break the promise first Papameyan. You promised not to touch him until this fortress falls.』

『Kak-kak, the Demon Lord’s order comes above all else.』

『Tch… Here’s the bag, Gevaudan. Yufan is in there.』

With a plop, she threw the bag at me. Catch.

『The question is, Arshella, whose side are you on? It is the same as going against the Demon King Naris If you interfere with me. Are you prepared to do so?』


Arshella’s mouth is tight. Looks like she’s in a bad situation.

It’s pitiful to put her in such a position. I’ll take the lead here.

And as I was about to step forward with that thought in my mind, My path was blocked by a spear.

『I don’t give a shit!!』


I and Papameyan looked at Arshella’s face at the same time.

『Once the Exmut women mate, we live and die for our love!! If you want to kill Gevaudan, I’ll be your opponent!!』


『Well said!!』

My voice is drowned out by Papameyan’s loud, excited voice. He tossed his cape and looked somewhat happy.

『That’s why you are Zumei’s beloved daughter!! Very well. I’m going to give you a reality check here, I will personally train you!! Prepare to get beaten to a pulp!!』

『Excellent… don’t think I’m just a little girl then!!』

Papameyan held up his shield again.

The other side is Arshella, holding her spear and baring her fangs.

I am no longer in their eyes.

–I’m glad you feel that way Arshella……..but on the other hand, that makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.

I mean…..you don’t have to go that far….

I’m not good at such heavy relationships as romance, falling in love, marriage, etc. I’m satisfied with Titania alone. It is the butcher’s fucking and dumping style, where it fucks the girl until she is impregnated and then dumps her. I’ll at least plant a baby in you……. although I can’t take responsibility for it…..

–The plot is about to accelerate in a strange direction if I leave these two in their excited state, something that came straight off a shonen-manga.

『Let’s do this, Papameyan! I’m going to change that mask into a crying face!!』

『Kak-ka! Let’s see how long that cocky mouth of yours will last—-』

My proud asphalt cannon caught Papameyan by surprise and hit him.

The guy was blown across the street with all the debris and rubble.


Arshella looked back at me in disbelief.

『–We’re in the middle of a duel, Isn’t that too unfair!?』

『There is no such thing as fairness in a fight to the death.』

『Well said…. That’s exactly the right, Gevaudan』

Papameyan standing beside me.


He thrusts his sword – no, a shield at me.

The center of the shield glowed yellow.

The white pedal that had covered the surface instantly stood up and spun around.

Edelweiss is a curious name for it. Its appearance is just like a flower on a plateau. Such a shield is approaching me, making a dangerous sound as it rotates.

The countless sharp knives spinning at high speed resembled a giant food processor. That shield was really a weapon.

I let go of the magic stone in my hand and picked up the butcher knife on my back. But I was too late. If I didn’t do something, that food processor would definitely gouge into my chest.

In my slow-motion vision, I saw the magic stone shatter into pieces as it was caught in the deadly spinning of the shield.

There was no other way. —-

In desperation, I reached to grab it.

“—- m!?”

Papameyan stopped moving.

I pulled Yufan out of the bag and used her as a shield.

While that was happening, I extended my <Wail Whip> and wrapped it around his face.


That was quickly cut off by the sword, but he ducked in panic, which gave me enough time to keep my distance and get my butcher knife ready.

“Kuh, △§〆……”

Papameyan retreated while holding the smoking mask in his hand.

–No way, is that mask his weakness?

Arshella pulled on my apron as I was about to give chase.

『Let’s get out of here while we still can!! Leave Yufan here as bait!! 』

『Eeeh, but…….I want to kill that guy……』

『I don’t care!!』

Unavoidably, Arshella dragged me away from the scene.

『stop, stop……I think I can finish him off……That Papameyan guy, that mask is his weakness, right?』

As we run, I confirm my great discovery.

『No way, that’s not possible!』

Total refusal.

『How can someone with such stupid weaknesses be the top Destroyer among all the Destroyers for so many years? Papameyan is a very strong fighter. He is a living legend who has been fighting for over a thousand years. Don’t underestimate him. Especially that Edelweiss.』

『That shield? It’s just a spinning shield…….』

『You’re wrong. That thing can generate and send out countless wind blades. In addition, his swordsmanship is top-notch. His skills are also so varied that you never know what he’s going to do next. Did you even see his movement when he moves to you? I can’t see it …… Damn it……』

I certainly didn’t see his movement. With the lack of information, he is not someone I would fight even if I had to force myself not to do so…….

I looked next to me and saw Arshella biting her lip with shadow luming on her face.

Are you sad? Let me try to cheer you up.

『You are willing to fight such a strong opponent for me.』

『……W-What was it………』

Look at your cheeks, they are getting red.

She is actually the Spearhead among the four girls, isn’t she?

『Arshella is so cute.』

『No, don’t…… at a time like this…….』

『I am so happy. I fell in love with you all over again. I need a strong and pretty girl like you. When this is over, let’s make babies.』

『Damn you, when were your lips became so fluffy and sweet like cotton candy….? Ah, wait!』

Arshella paused and raised her hand.

She put her fingers directly to her ears and switched to call mode.

『–Hello, Lydia? What’s up? —-me? subhuman? Why! —-Hah, where is it, I don’t know their face…… sulky? Oh, ah…… is it that important? …… Oh, I see. I’m with Gevaudan now. –Okay. Nope, I can’t go. I just fought with Papameyan. –Oooh, don’t be so loud…….–Anyway, all of you stay with Zephyr. This fort is very dangerous. Don’t worry about me. Oh, I’ll see you later.”

『From Lydia?』

『They’re with Zephyr near the main gate of this fort….. ahhh, damn it! All I do is run errands!』

Arshella scratched her hair and opened her wings.

『I’ll see you later – okay? Don’t ever, ever, ever try to fight Papameyan alone!!』

『Got it.』

I watched Arshella fly away with an angry look on her face, and then I, too, set forth down the road of the Fort.

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