
Chapter 425: Patena Open Sea Naval Battle – Fleet Battle

Chapter 425: Patena Open Sea Naval Battle – Fleet Battle

–Aegir POV–

Ten Days Later. North Teries River – On Board Aless of Aless.

「The wind changed...... we’re drifting to the left. Close the sail of the third mast. Steer to starboard a tiny bit.」

Instructions are hurled from the deck where Sekrit has seated herself imposingly.

I’m also there, seated behind her on a barrel of sand, but I keep quiet since I’m not knowledgeable on fleet operations.

「Hey, she said close the sail.」

「What!? It was just opened? Man, ships are really troublesome.」

「It’s a ship crowned with the Aless name. I wonder if I can go to the enemy alone if I continue rowing.」

The Aless soldiers carry out their orders with visibly unaccustomed movements.

Their tight sailor uniforms are quite comical and some have ripped open the back or ass area of their clothes.

In the past ten days, besides sleep, the rest of their time have been spent training, but even so, they are no better than amateurs. I didn’t think they could function in a position that required assorted skills like a sailor, however......

「They’re surprisingly capable.」

I murmur.

I know they’re following Sekrit’s precise orders, but at the very least, they’re able to get the Aless of Aless cruising at a sufficient speed without lagging behind the rest of the fleet. They also aren’t fazed by unforeseen circumstances, so they actually have a high ability to complete their assigned tasks.

With such thoughts running through my head, the ship rapidly veers off to the right.

Sekrit immediately clicks her tongue and kicks the chair―― the ass of the man who she’s using as a chair, before yelling out more orders.

「You turned to port, morons. And I said a little bit! You made two full rotations of the helm.」

「Ooh, starboard is this side!? Sorry, I was mistaken!」

「They’re waving flags on the ship in front. I don’t know what it means, but they seem mad.」

Sekrit hops back on her man-chair and raises her voice.

「I already taught you what the flag signals are. Damn, you guys got muscles packed in your brains―― “change course and follow the flagship”. This message was needlessly repeated three times. I’m sure it’s just that woman getting irritated.」

The flag signals were repeated another two more times after that, although Sekrit simply returns the ship back to its original route without responding.

「Can we battle like this? They’re doing the best they can just to keep us sailing straight.」

Using land army comparisons, this would be like soldiers wearing armor struggling just to stand.

Combat would be out of the question.

Noticing my concern, Sekrit beckons me with her index finger, making sure the Aless soldiers can’t hear her.

「They’re doing better than I expected. I was fully prepared after ten days to have amateurs making mistakes left and right, but they promptly corrected the ship’s course. As long as I give detailed instructions, they’ll do fine.」

She gave a surprisingly high evaluation of them.

Well, I can feel relieved if Sekrit says so.

When I was about to think that way, the ship suddenly accelerated towards the ally ship in front.

On the stern of that ship, the crew members are furiously waving red flags in a panic.

Even though I don’t understand how to read flag signals, it was clear to me that they were repeatedly signalling for our ship to stop.

「I said to close the sail, so why are we increasing in speed...... idiots, don’t row the oars without being ordered! Put them down and decelerate!!」

「Nuu, I was too impatient to get on the battlefield.」

「I can’t keep calm if I don’t move my body. On land, I would normally run as fast as I can.」

Aless of Aless came within a few meters of the ally ship before the paddles were lowered into the water to slow down the ship, somehow managing to avoid a collision.


Sekrit sits back down on her man-chair.

Even someone like her who is composed enough to smile in battle can’t help sighing and sweating.

I can relate.

Whenever I interact with the Aless soldiers, it really tires me out.

Nevertheless, it’s not the worst this time around. That’s because their boss, Gildress, was left behind.

If he was here, all of them would listen to his orders instead, thus he was not allowed to come along.

「It won’t be long before we encounter the enemy if all goes according to plan, and I wanted to cheer you up by bumping hips......」

Sekrit makes a reproachful face.

「But with these guys, I can’t leave them alone for five minutes or we’d be thrown overboard while our bodies were still connected.」

Sekrit nods her head and pushes Lott to me.

「I can’t go, but you’re pent-up right? I’ll lend her to you, so go relieve yourself.」

Sekrit jerks her chin in my direction when Lott hesitates briefly and gets her to cling to my hips.

It seems Sekrit is concerned about my lust.

I appreciate the thought, but I would feel bad entertaining myself on my own.

「Nah, I’ll stay here.」

「Y-you want to do it here!? Uuuu...... fine.」

Lott’s face turned red as she began to strip.

I didn’t mean to do that.

「Besides, I can’t relax knowing you’re alone in the middle of all those Aless soldiers.」

I don’t want to come back and see Sekrit’s dark skin covered with white stuff.

Everyone on the ship should already be informed Sekrit belongs to me, but that won’t stop the Aless soldiers from aiming for her anyways.

They’re bold enough to have sex in front of me. Of course I tossed them in the river and had them swim back.

「Kuku, I guess that’s also one reason you chose me over Ivanna.」

Sekrit grabs my shirt and pulls me in for a kiss.

At the same time, she beckons Lott with a finger so she can scratch under her chin.


Instantly, Lott’s eyes melt and she licks the toe of Sekrit’s crossed leg.

She’s completely being dominated. She probably can’t live without Sekrit.

There was another dispute about whether I should board the Suvorov, which Ivanna would be on, or the Aless of Aless.

In the end, it was decided I would board this ship because I was needed to lead the inadequately trained Aless soldiers.

Sure enough, Ivanna became angry, and although I made it up to her by embracing her before we departed, the stepping, kicking, whipping and biting she did at the end was tough for my dick to endure.

「Yeah, I guess.」

I smile and return the kiss, once again gazing at the Aless of Aless.

「The training was barely completed and the remodelling was also barely done.」

Additional plating was hammered sloppily onto the hull with huge metal nails and the minimum amount of paint wasn’t done, so there isn’t an ounce of elegance to the ship’s appearance.

「Fuu, it really is ugly.」

The cannons peeking out of the gun deck and the eight newly installed large cannons were also unnaturally sticking out of the windows.

There wasn’t enough time for the interior of the ship to be renovated, so they were essentially jammed in by force.

I hope they don’t slip out.

「Yet, it has a certain beauty. It’s focused only on fighting...... the battleship’s sole purpose is to kill. Surely, a name like the Leviathan suits this beast best.」

「Isn’t it Aless of Aless?」

When the discrepancy was pointed out, Sekrit clicks her tongue and digs her heel into the back of the man-chair.

That was when it happened.

Sekrit promptly stands up and kicks the Aless soldier in charge of deciphering flag signals.

Everyone else had to resort to using a code chart, which was most likely written by Sekrit, but couldn’t figure it out in the end.

「Enemy fleet in front. 48 medium ships, at least 50 small ships.」

「So they’ve come.」

I stand up as well.

「The enemy battleship also has patchwork done like us. Kuku, they rushed to complete the repairs so they could sortie quickly.」

Sekrit chuckles, using the man-chair and my shoulder as a stepping platform to climb up the mast.

「In terms of numbers, we’re perfectly half the size of their fleet. It appears the plan worked.」

「The female assassin returned safely.」

Although it’s irrelevant, I sigh in relief.

Fucking her was part of the plan, but she’s without a doubt still a woman I implanted by seed in.

On the very top of the mast, Sekrit holds onto the rod that’s on the tip and perilously balances herself to look to the rear.


Nobody answers.

A metal canteen gets hurled down from above.

「Ooh, you meant me!?」

One soldier stands up almost like he forgot his role.

「Enemy fleet spotted behind us as well. 2 battleships, 5 large combat ships, and over 50 small ships. Inform the front.」

We’re sandwiched nicely.

But this is also within our expectations.

The enemy wanted to know about our fleet movement more so than our land army.

Our fleet was the most important subject to them.

That allowed us to use the female assassin to our advantage, leaking information that our fleet suffered serious damage and would be retreating safely downstream. Appropriately, several ships were covered with sheets in order to make it seem like we wanted to hide the damage.

Multiple enemy spies should have infiltrated Patena, but they shouldn’t be aware of our tactics.

Acting on the fabricated truth, our ships set sail downstream, not upstream where the enemy fleet was located.

This should present a potential opening for the enemy to annihilate us.

The enemy’s tactic should be to use high-speed ships that are smaller than mid-sized combat ships to circle around in front, eliminate our escape route via a pincer maneuver with the large combat ships in the rear and destroy us.

「At the same time, this is also a good chance for us to defeat the enemy fleet.」

Leopolt prepared a plan for that very reason, but before that, we must conduct the naval battle.

「From the flagship to all ships――proceed as planned. Hard to port. Line up in a row as we established.」

Sekrit reads the flag signals herself and gives out orders.

Our formation involves the large combat ships covered with cloths in the middle while the smaller ships surround them...... this way, it looks like we’re trying to protect the damaged ships.

But when the cloths were removed in time with Ivanna’s orders, the ships revealed were not damaged.

The fleet turns collectively, becoming one line and the sides of the ships facing the current.

「They were obviously going to sandwich us. As long as we are heading downstream, the probability of us getting away is high unless they impede us someway.」

Our cannons are brought forth onto the deck and the Aless soldiers load the gunpowder and cannonballs in an unaccustomed fashion.

Hey, some of them loaded the gunpowder and cannonball in reverse. Fix it.

「It was a mistake to split their forces in half though. They only needed to send enough to block our path. As effective as a two-pronged attack is against a fleeing enemy――」

All ally ships finish preparations to fire their cannons.

At the same time, an anchor-like iron ball was dropped into the water from the port side of all ships.

With the center of gravity titled to the left...... the current was utilized to shift the diagonally-facing ships parallel to each other.

While the formation drifted apart slightly, the additional weight on each ship ensured a stable position.

Everything was decided ahead of time.

「A ship’s cannons are on both sides. Being attacked from both sides doesn’t decrease a ship’s firepower.」

The enemy was shocked when our fleet suddenly stopped in the middle of the river.

「Meanwhile, our enemy is coming from upstream and from downstream...... it’s going to be difficult to coordinate.」

Soon enough, the enemy comes into our shooting range.

Flag signals are waved from the Suvorov to commence attacking.

「The enemy’s aim is to squeeze into our formation and fire at close range. Sink them before they get near us.」

Sekrit draws her sword and yells bravely, however, none of the Aless soldiers cheer.


Sekrit, who was made to look too impertinent, stares unhappily at her crew.

「Mmm, not being able to see the enemy’s faces doesn’t excite me one bit.」

「We’re not fighting with swords or spears, we’re simply lighting an iron pipe......」

Morale is flat.

I have to do something about it.

This isn’t something I want to show anybody, but I’ll endure it since Nonna or Celia are not here.

I take off my shirt to become half-naked, then address the Aless soldiers.

I’ll ask Sekrit later to forget what she sees.

「Nnggrrh, how depressing! You still call yourselves men of Aless!」

「Ooh! A rousing voice!」

「Mmm, that body...... it’s frustrating to admit how incomparable it is!」

I spread my arms and flex to show off my biceps before shouting further.

「Our ship is a man’s ship, meaning the battle we’re about to fight is a clashing of men! Men of Aless, strip! Shout! Raise the smoke signal for battle!」

「Oh, that’s right. It’s the same whether on water or on land...... a battle is about the begin!」

「Follow the man who Gildress also acknowledges! Strip! Shout!」

「I see the king in his back! To battle!!」

My encouragement was answered.

Like a surging wave, the war cry reverberates across the ship’s deck, to the interior, to gun deck and up to the mast.

Sailor uniforms get ripped apart one after the other and the ambient temperature seems to rise a few degrees.


「......why strip?」

Don’t be reproachful, Sekrit. Don’t worry about the details and go with the flow.

I know there are some who even took their pants off, but don’t pay them any heed.

The ally ship adjacent to us also begins to shoot.

「Fire the starting shot!」

Cannons are ignited accordingly by the Aless soldiers.

The force of all the cannons firing at once shakes the Aless of Aless and the ensuing smoke dyes our vision white.

Since our allies also did the same, we can’t see anything around us.

「Wow! What a flashy smoke signal.」

「It’s the best thing to energize us! That roar is worthy to be Aless’s smoke signal.」

Sekrit yells at the lookout on top of the mast.

「Lookout, report.」

「It’s time to fight! A fist fight between men! We’ll show them the strength of men from Aless! Wahahahaha!!」

Not getting a proper response, Sekrit climbs up the mast herself.

「The smoke is clearing...... aim―― fire!!」

Sekrit gives orders from the mast.

I swing my arm down to correspond.

Thunderous booms ring out. This time, because the timing of our ally cannons were slightly delayed, our vision was not as clouded.

The Aless soldiers poured their energy into this bombardment.

I strain my eyes to see whether it had any effect.

「......that’s strange.」

Every time our ally ships fired, bits and pieces of splintered wood explode from the enemy ships, some ships even start to tilt due to their masts and decks getting destroyed by the concentrated barrage.

However, no matter how much the Aless of Aless fires, it only results in columns of water.

「70 cannons fired―― hits on target......zero! Next volley――hits on target......one, are you guys screwing around!?」

Sekrit cries out from the mast.

They were firing on a stable platform since the lowering of the iron ball into the water maintained the ship’s parallel position, plus they were firing after the smoke cleared.

Nonetheless, why were they not able to hit anything...... maybe they just suck.

「Wahaha, cannons are no more than smoke signals after all!」

「Let’s get to the real battle already!」

Breaking formation and charging in solo would definitely inconvenience Ivanna and become a reason for our defeat.

In the meantime, an enemy large combat ship that fixed its aim on the Aless of Aless approaches.

While considering what to do, new orders are shouted out by Sekrit.

「Portside red, starboard blue, take aim.」

Confused at what was meant by those words, I take a peek at the gun deck and see the cannons resting on platforms painted with dyes of different colors.

The Aless soldiers move the cannons to the place with the color Sekrit dictated and adjust the firing angle.


Multiple booms roar out and at least ten cannonballs land on the approaching ship, riddling the side of the ship with holes and chasing it away almost as quickly as it sailed forward.

「I already know they don’t have the brains to aim. If I do this, they can’t make mistakes.」

I guess they have set angles and distances according to the color.

With that said, this would all depend on the extraordinary skills of the person giving orders, in other words, Sekrit.

「Next, only the large cannons on the port side, green―― fire!」

Four cannons each on the left and right blow their loads.

The targeted mid-sized ship clearly seems outside of the range, but a few seconds later, three cannonballs landed with big splashes in the water and one exploded on the ship.

It only took a single hit from the large cannon to deal critical damage to the ship, which slowly gets swallowed up by the river.

「One hit...... that can’t be simply because of the size difference. What if an even larger cannon was used?」

Does she mean the dwarf cannons which we left off the ship?

「If only that gloomy guy didn’t say anything...... whatever.」

Sekrit would continue giving appropriate orders from atop the mast to defeat enemy after enemy.

The problem was having to deal with ships riding the current from upstream and sailing into our formation.

Ally ships start to go aflame and some even sink.

Naturally, the Aless of Aless is a perfect target due to its size.


A cannonball crashes close to me.

I instinctively cover Lott with my body, protecting her from the debris.

「Are you okay?」

「Y-yes. Thank you.」

I feel a hard lump against my naked upper body.

That reminds me, Lott stripped all of her clothes.

Might as well give her nipples a quick pinch.

Of course, damage wasn’t limited to one area of the ship.

「Gun deck was shot! Two cannons blew up! No one injured.」

「Fourth mast shot, half destroyed. Three people overboard, no one injured.」

「One shot to the deck, one deck cannon damaged, fire has broken out, no one injured.」

「Direct hit to the oar compartment, three people blown away. No one injured.」

Damage reports keep coming in.

「Be as accurate as possible. How could there be no one injured――look, you’re injured yourself.」

Sekrit descends from the mast.

On the deck, an Aless soldier curiously checks his body which was sprinkled by splinters of wood.

He slaps both arms, slaps both legs, rubs his stomach and lastly rubs his neck.

「My arms, legs and head are still attached. None of my guts have spilled out. I’m not injured.」

「Fumu, I was only burned.」

「Only my left arm broke. It can’t be considered an injury if it’s still connected.」

Sekrit was wide-eyed. A rare sight.

The large body of the Aless of Aless made it susceptible to concentrated attacks, but the overwhelmingly tough Aless soldiers plus the reinforced plating of the ship prevented any loss in combat ability. Instead, it was the enemy who got defeated instead.

Among the ships sank, it has been confirmed that at least one large combat ship, two medium combat ships and five small ships were sent to the bottom of the river.

Still, the situation is not looking favorable for us.

At first, we were putting up a good fight against the enemy coming from both sides, however, that wasn’t the case after they charged into our formation.

The order to fight freely was given and each ship removed the iron ball fixing their vessels in place, yet it seemed the enemy overwhelmed our ally forces with more than double our numbers.

「Is it about time?」

「Yeah. It’ll be bad if things continue at this rate.」

Sekrit comes down the mast and points to a certain location.

There, the flag ship Suvorov is surrounded by multiple ships and is meandering like a water snake.

The large battleship cannot make small movements so dealing with many smaller ships at close range is difficult.

Our allies who were supposed to provide support have their hands full with the other enemy ships.

「Should we go?」

「I’m reluctant, but we can’t go on if the flagship is sunk.」

I draw my sword and point the tip at the Suvorov.

「We will now be backing up the flagship. Lower the oars and row toward the enemy.」

「Ooh, we’re finally charging!?」

「The time has come to show our manliness.」

The sail gets folded and the metal oars extend from both sides of the boat to the surface of the water.

「With that said, this ship is even more sluggish than the Suvorov. Be careful of the enemy’s position, and calculate the current of the river――」

I put my hand on Sekrit’s shoulder and smile. She doesn’t have to do all that.

「Just row with all your might. Display your manliness.」

I don’t strain my voice unnecessarily and speak in a calm tone.

Similarly, the Aless soldiers simply respond with a short “aye”.

A drum was being beaten in timing with the rowing of the oars.

Even though the oars were made of metal, they were lifted by the Aless soldiers like they were made of wood, and the Aless of Aless slowly sails forward.



The drum was beaten at a quicker rhythm.

The oars scoop through the water, rowing at the same pace as other ships moving at full speed.

Our speed sharply increases and white waves get kicked up from the ship’s bow.



Again, the rhythm of the drum increases.

We line up with other ships also heading to the aid of the flagship that should be lighter than the Aless of Aless, and we eventually watch as they are left behind.

On the decks of those ships, sailors couldn’t believe what they were seeing.


「Oh! Oh! Oh!」

The beat of the drum became a steady continuous rhythm.

At this point, we were moving fast enough that our bodies reeled backward from the force.

Enemy ships trying to block our path are left behind and cannonballs fired at us misjudged our speed, only grazing the stern and falling harmlessly into the water.

Sekrit, with her mouth agape, watches in awe as her hair flutters in the wind.

「Is that all you can do? Give me that.」

I take the drumstick from the soldier hitting the drum and beat it continuously myself at a vigorous rhythm.

「Full speed ahead. Show them the power of the men of Aless.」


Such a high-paced rhythm no longer fulfilled the role of setting the tempo for the rowing.

However, the Aless soldiers didn’t need it anymore.

The oars on both sides were simply being rowed as fast and as hard as possible.

Somehow, the Aless soldiers manage to keep in synch with each other. That is how they fight.

「What’s with these guys...... the bow is lifting up!?」

The bow of the Aless of Aless was raised above the water surface almost like a small boat when going at high speed.

It’s beyond the normal speed of ships now. The large body of the Aless of Aless was sliding along as fast as a galloping horse.

No enemy or ally could keep up and cannonballs targeting the ship missed as we were moving so fast that by the time the projectile approached us, we were already out of the way.

「What’s the name of this ship?」

I ask, still banging uselessly on the drum.

「Aless! Of......Aless!! A man’s ship crowned with the name of Aless!」

The men rowing the oars reply happily.

「Who are you?」

「Men! Strong men of Aless!!」

The sweat flying off the bodies of the rowing soldiers was like rain.

Our speed continued to increase.

Occasionally, the boat would even seem to skip on the water surface.

「Man. The king has entrusted this to us.」

I put on the cape handed to me by one of the Aless soldiers.

The crimson cloth flutters in the wind.

「......what is this method of ship handling?」

Sekrit remains dumbfounded as we drew closer to the Suvorov.

It soon becomes clear that the flagship was receiving cannonfire from the three encircling ships and its path was blocked by a large combat ship.

「Star......no, port...... eeh, I don’t know. Just turn left.」



Regardless of how random my instructions were, the ship’s rudder was turned in the direction I envisioned.

「Shoot the ship blocking the Suvorov as we pass by and ―― mmgh.」

I cover Sekrit’s mouth.

An average person’s eyes couldn’t see the movement of the oars anymore.

Yet none of the oars ever bump into each other.

No orders were given to steer the sheep either, but minor adjustments are being made accordingly.

Aless soldiers don’t understand logic.

However, they can achieve amazing feats in battle just by giving their all, despite not having practiced it.

「Charge at that three-mast ship.」


Soldiers on the Suvorov and the enemy ship both stared with wide eyes.

I happened to catch a glimpse of Ivanna commanding her crew on the deck.

「We’re going to collide!」

I hold Lott and Sekrit in my arms, planting my feet firmly into the ground.

The Aless soldiers similarly spread their legs apart and brace for impact.

The crash was loud enough to drown out the thunderous booms of cannons all around us.

Aless of Aless smashes into the enemy ship......and splits it in half before sailing through to the other side.

Sekrit mumbles dryly.

「......so stupid.」

After cleaving the ship, we arrive right in front of the Suvorov.

Our momentum was slowed down nicely by the collision.

「Turn the ship, whichever way is fine.」


We make a sharp right turn and the Aless of Aless, its speed now killed completely, stops directly in front of the Suvorov.

With a chance to inspect the Suvorov, I see how bad the damage actually is.

Its gun deck was half destroyed, the deck was torn and crumpled, and one of its masts snapped at the base.

Ivanna, located on the bridge, gives a quick glance at us and then jerks her face away from us, letting out a rather cold “hmph”.

Fufufu, what a cute and characteristic act.

「This is no time to be grinning. We’re sitting ducks here. Now the enemy will come from both sides.」

Sekrit is right, the Aless of Aless has come to a stop and enemies are incoming.

They’re close enough that I can hear the soldiers yelling.

「That was a flashy entrance, but closing the distance on a battleship is fatal!」

「Isn’t that a battleship that they captured from us? Now’s our chance to take it back!」

Those enemy ships don’t open fire.

I actually see they have prepared the same boarding towers that we have.

「Tch, blast them to pieces before they can get on board. Fire the cannons!」

Nobody listens to Sekrit’s orders.

All the Aless soldiers shake their head, smiling.

「The enemy is challenging us in hand-to-hand combat. Answering that with projectiles is not a manly thing to do.」

Soldiers manning the cannons abandon their stations and pick up swords and shields instead.

Sekrit was about to fly into a rage and draw her sword, but when she saw me and the Aless soldiers, she gave up.

「When this battle is over, I’ll arrange some proper sailors for you. I promise.」

Boarding towers get lowered from the ship on the left.

The metal tools tear the sail and dig into the deck.

I unconsciously smile.

Even though they are none the wiser, it’s crazy to even think about boarding this ship.

Let’s pray for the enemy’s happiness in the next life.

「There isn’t any cannonfire! Did their cannons get damaged?」

「They’re practically finished then. Everyone, board――」

I swing my arm forward to signal the Aless soldiers who were breathing heavily like dogs would when staring at prey.

「「「「Board theemmmmm!!」」」」


At a volume nearly a hundred times louder than the enemy’s shout, the Aless soldiers roar back and rush at the boarding towers.

Some of them were too fast for their own good and fell in the river, but they simply climbed back up the side of the enemy ship.


Frozen in place briefly, the enemy soldiers get knocked out of the way by the stampeding Aless soldiers.

Nobody could really tell who was boarding who.

Then, masses of muscles fill the enemy ship.

Seeing the strange phenomenon, the ship on the right tries to stop boarding.

But it’s already too late.

「Lower them.」

The towers installed on the Aless of Aless come down on the enemy to the right.

All at once, the herd of muscles flood to the other side.

An Aless soldier leading the charge lops off the head of an enemy trying to intercept him, kicks a second enemy into the river and headbutts a third enemy, knocking him unconscious.

Next came a joint attack from the left and right, which was blocked by the Aless soldier’s sword and shield respectively, then he uses his sword to slash the face of one enemy and bash the head of the other with his shield.

「I-is this guy a famed warrior!?」

That’s actually not the case.

He’s not even a commander, he’s rank and file.

He’s not particularly strong and is considered average amongst the Aless soldiers.

「The willingness to challenge us in close combat is good. But aren’t you too weak? You haven’t trained enough.」

「Behold the strength of Aless.」

The hundred enemy soldiers lined up along the deck were routed by less than ten Aless soldiers.

In a short amount of time, the deck was filled by enemy corpses, and the other enemies get blown away or run out of room and fall in the river.

As more Aless soldiers come on board the ship, the less the enemy soldiers can do.

I’m pretty sure we have zero casualties.

Having cleaned the deck, the Aless soldiers sought more enemies by flooding inside the ship. They kicked soldiers and cannons out of the gun deck and into the water.

「Hiiiiiiiiih!! Monsters! Save meee!」

Deciding that the Aless soldiers couldn’t climb up with such a physique, some enemies jumped on top of the masts.

「Nuun. Darting around like a monkey...... eei, so tedious!」

「Shall we!?」

「Oh yeah!」

Three Aless soldiers grab onto the mast and exert their strength.

The long pole bends back and forth until eventually snapping in the middle, dropping the poor enemy soldier onto the deck and then bouncing off into the river.

In mere minutes, the two enemy ships lost their combat ability.

「......this isn’t the naval battle I know.」

Sekrit mutters.

Now that I look, Ivanna is standing on the Suvorov’s deck with the same expression.

I guess she was also planning to defeat the enemies with cannonfire.

Suddenly, multiple grappling hooks latch onto the railing near the ship’s bridge.


In a few seconds’ time, eight enemy soldiers...... wearing masks and looking nothing like sailors, board the ship.

「An ambush?」

I look down and see a small boat, something normally hard to spot in a battle involving large ships, parked beside the Aless of Aless.

They must have snuck on while we were absorbed in the boarding battle.

I also just realized there are no soldiers near the bridge.

「If we kill the boss......」

「It’ll all be over......」

All eight of them were suspicious, but two who looked especially strange split off and headed for me and Sekrit.

The one running at Sekrit was a man.

He had a thin lanky body almost like he was on the verge of starvation and he was using his hands as fore legs to run on all fours. He held a dagger in his mouth.

The one running at me was a woman.

Not as a slight or anything, her body looked like a chicken and she was closing in with a strange mix of acceleration and deceleration.

The other six were not coming directly, instead circling around to surround us.

Is that because they wanted to prevent us from running away and also to keep soldiers from interfering?

「Well, I’m not running.」

「Me neither.」

Sekrit and I exchange a glance and chuckle.

My Dual Crater and her claws gleam in the light.

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